Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1462: The door is gone, Jia Chen is dead (Part 1)

After a long time, the talents of Zhongyang City reacted.

"He... he really destroyed the Qu family... even Jia Chen was killed."

"This... Clear Sky School is going crazy this time!"


Zhongyang domain name is very loud, and the reason for its reputation is naturally because Zhongyang domain belongs to Haotianzong, and the domain owner of Zhongyang domain is the number one master in each of the seven sects.

It can be said that everyone is afraid to do anything to Zhongyang Domain because of the Clear Sky School behind Zhongyang Domain. It is also because of this that all the third-rate sects and some second-rate sects are defeated, and they are afraid to provoke them. Yang domain, especially the Qu family in Zhongyang domain.

However, on this day, the news of the destruction of the Qu family's entire family resounded like a violent storm in the entire sect world.

Hearing this news, everyone was taken aback.

Just because of the news that half of the Qu family master was beheaded last time, I didn't know how many people knew about it.

And this time, Qu Yuanqing, Qu Fan, and Qu Hua, the masters of the Qu family, all of them were destroyed!

This kid, like a muffled thunder in the sky, exploded.

The most important thing is that this time the Qu family was destroyed, and one of them was also killed, and that was Jia Chen.

As the number one genius of the Haotian Sect Inner Sect, Jia Chen was killed. The news is definitely more shocking than the killing of Qu Yuanqing, the number one master of Zhongyang Domain.

"It's terrible, the number one genius in the Clear Sky Sect's inner sect has been killed. This time Clear Sky Sect is going crazy! Who is so brave?"

"Don't you know? It's Xiao Yu from Xiaoyaomen! I heard that the Qu family and this Jia Chen's design led Xiao Yu over, but instead they were all killed."

"My God, this time the Clear Sky School is going crazy! It's okay to kill Qu Yuanqing, but Jia Chen is not only a member of Clear Sky School, but also the most talented disciple of the Inner Sect."

Those second- and third-rate sects are all shocked, but they are more of an attitude of watching the excitement, just like Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Baiyu Valley.

Baiyu Valley.

A disciple of Bai Yugu came to report to Elder Gan, and this female disciple was Yu Xuanhui, and Elder Gan looked very ugly after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that I could kill this kid at the beginning, but now I don't care about the Great Earth Spirit Realm."

Elder Gan is Bai Yugu's weakest elder, and she is no more than the cultivation base of the human spirit, and she only deals with things. Last time, Bai Yugu borrowed her reputation to make Xiaoyaomen ugly.

If Xiao Yu were killed, Bai Yugu could say that Elder Gan was not a member of the internal elders group of Bai Yugu, in order to greatly separate the relationship.

What Elder Gan didn't expect was that Bai Yugu didn't kill Xiao Yu last time, but instead contributed to Xiao Yu's growth.

Yu Xuanhui also had lingering fears. Xiao Yu was not in the Golden Core Realm at the beginning, and she didn't even look at herself at that time, but now?

Now it has grown to such a terrible point.

"Elder Gan, then what shall we do, Sister Pan's hatred, shall we not report it?" Yu Xuanhui said in a deep voice.

Since being almost abolished by Xiao Yu last time, her cultivation level has not fully recovered until now, everything is because of that young man!

"Wenjie's hatred is naturally to be reported, but we must consider the long-term plan," Elder Gan took a deep breath and said.

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