Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1480: You are far away

Lu Guobin used his high-grade spirit weapon as soon as he came up. It was obvious that he had a murderous heart against Xiao Yu as soon as he came up.

Actually so.

Bai Yugu, Windshield Sect, and Purple Spirit Sect each died a disciple, but the Clear Sky Sect was different. They had killed three inner disciples! And they are among the top three existences!

This is already a very serious blow to Clear Sky School.

Lu Guobin's appearance was to cut the grass and remove the roots, so when he came up, his spiritual realm cultivation base broke out in an instant.

"Oh? Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng, it seems that this is nothing but that." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Jia Chen ranks first in the inner door, and his strength is in the spiritual realm, and this Lu Guobin is obviously much stronger than Jia Chen.

"It's enough to kill you!" Lu Guobin suddenly yelled, and the white light suddenly burst out, turning into a gleaming white light, and then swept the past.


Xiao Yu immediately retreated violently, his palms suddenly pressed on the ground.

"Hundred Trees Wall!"


Just like blocking Jia Chenye’s magical Yulihua offensive before, hundreds of huge towering trees suddenly condensed, forming a dense forest of trees in front of Xiao Yu.

"Huh! Little bugs!"

This is a five-level defensive formation. Lu Guobin can see through it at a glance. With a flick of his wrist, the whirling white pike is guaranteed to face the wind, just like a poisonous dragon diamond, it is directly filed in the numerous trees. It directly broke the wall of hundreds of trees.

Lu Guobin's figure passed through the hole, but he found that Xiao Yu had already retreated a hundred meters away. Suddenly a green light flickered in his eyes.


Lu Guobin was startled. He had just passed through the hole in the wall of hundreds of trees, and suddenly, the overwhelming vines entangled him.

Living Wood Array!

Xiao Yu's mind turned, his anger turned into death in an instant, and the vines instantly became a yellowish color.

"Oh? Interesting formation, but do you think this will trap me?"

Lu Guobin sneered.

He was originally trapped all over his body, even the hand holding the sword was no exception, but his Bai Yao was not trapped.

As soon as he loosened his hand, seeing that the sword was about to fall, he suddenly shouted, "Break it for me!"


Before the long sword fell, it shook up suddenly and turned into countless sword auras, directly crushing all the vines on Lu Guobin into pieces.

Bai Yao started again, and Lu Guobin's body suddenly had some white light condensed.

"I heard that you obtained the so-called sixth-level formation in the Purple Spirit Sect. Are you capable of this? If this is the case, then I am too disappointed in you."

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he smiled and said: "The true disciple of the Haotian School, Xiaocheng in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, is not much better than Jia Chen. In my opinion, let Jiang Tianyu come and fight me almost, you are far behind.

"Really? What if so?" Lu Guobin said Senhan.

Lu Guobin suddenly burst into an astonishing sharp chill. A whirlwind swept into the sky from under his feet, and the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth was also infected. All became endless sword intent, with a radius of 300 meters. All became a land of murderous sword cover.

This sword aura is very terrifying, even if the Earth Spirit Realm enters, it may be strangled to pieces.

He Zhonghao and the disciple beside him couldn't help but move their faces.

He Zhonghao and Lu Guobin are both Celestial Spirit Realm Xiaos, but it is clear that Lu Guobin's profound cultivation skills, as well as the training resources exclusively used by the Clear Sky School to train disciples, are slightly inferior to him.

Although he dislikes Haotianzong and Lu Guobin, it is undeniable that Lu Guobin is not an ordinary Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng!

He is so strong before using the power of the gods, what if he uses the power of the gods?

"This is almost the case, but it's still almost." Xiao Yu said indifferently, seemingly indifferent and arrogant.

"Haha, okay, then go to die!"

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