Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1486: Chase

Xiao Yu frowned: "Do you know him?"

Zhang Shengxiang only felt that his mouth was dry, and he couldn't speak. After a long time, he smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid not many people don't know him. His name is Lu Guobin, he is an awakened sword **** pattern in the Vast Sky School. , And he is also the first person to use swords in the Clear Sky School."

"No wonder." Xiao Yu groaned.

When he was fighting against Lu Guobin, the opponent's swordsmanship was very superb, and he also felt a breath of a **** pattern from the opponent. It turned out that the opponent was still carrying a **** pattern, which surprised Xiao Yu a little.

The Clear Sky School is powerful because they are a weapon-using sect, among which the true disciples are the awakeners of the Weapon Divine Mark. This is also the reason why the Clear Sky School is strong.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, the use of weapons can indeed increase combat effectiveness.

"Well, I'll be here for you for a while, Xiao Yao, you go back to the room first." Xiao Yu said.

Although Zhang Shengxiang is bitter, there is no way! Xiao Yu is here, so are you still chasing him away?

And can he drive away?

The key is that this time, he felt a strong breath of heaven and earth spiritual power from Xiao Yu's body.

Human spirit! ?

How many months is this?

This breath is even deeper than himself!

Once again, Zhang Shengxiang couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu with a weird and weird look.

"It's no wonder that he can stir up such a storm in the sect world. It's a perverted talent..." he muttered in his heart.

On the other side, He Zhonghao, who had already rushed towards the Azure Cloud Territory with all his strength, urged her cultivation base, and reached the pass of the Azure Cloud Territory in just an hour.

And Lu Guobin had long been in the place where Xiao Yu and Lin Yao had rested.

His keen six senses still felt a remnant aura, his gaze looked far away in the direction of the blue cloud domain, and he went towards the blue cloud domain without hesitation.

Soon, He Zhonghao also saw Lu Guobin. The moment he saw Lu Guobin, the former understood three points in his heart.

"How?" He Zhonghao asked.

Lu Guobin shook his head slightly with a chill on his face.

He Zhonghao said in surprise: "According to the speed, he alone can't be faster than me."

"Let's wait."

After an hour, the disciple of Fengshimen just hurried out from the blue clouds.

"Brother, according to our people, Xiao Yu did not go back to the Lin family!"

"Didn't go back?" He Zhonghao looked at Lu Guobin.

"Yes, and the news I just received, when Xiao Yu left, he also took Lin Yao away. I heard that Lin Yao would be brought back to the Zongmen to open up the Qi Sea." The Fengshimen disciple said again.

He Zhonghao frowned: "I heard that Lin Yao has awakened the **** pattern, but because she can't open up the sea of ​​qi, she can't cultivate. If she is taken back, wouldn't Xiaoyaomen have an extra genius?"

But when Lu Guobin listened, his eyes were uncertain, because he thought and knew more than He Zhonghao.

At the beginning, they wanted to take Lin Yao away from Xiaoyaomen without knowing it, and the purpose was to use Lin Yao's wood flesh **** pattern to refine the spirit pill of the dead.

It's just that Xiao Yu killed Yang Xuan and Jia Chen, and destroyed the Qu family's entire family, so Hao Tianzong put aside this matter temporarily.

Lin Yao is still an important chess piece, if it is possible, of course they would want to get it again.

And this time, it might be a good opportunity!

"If he doesn't go back, where can he go?" He Zhonghao said in a deep voice.

Lu Guobin looked around the distance, his eyes filled with gloomy clouds, and said, "Are there any powers in a hundred miles?"

The Fengshimen disciple pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Yes! On the northwest side of the hill, there is a third-rate sect called Bloodfang Sect. The lord's name is Zhang Shengxiang, a master of the human spirit realm, and he is very famous in this area. "

"Go!" Lu Guobin said coldly, "Even if you dig three feet, you must find Xiao Yu and kill him before the elders of Xiaoyaomen get out of trouble!"

What Lu Guobin didn't say was that the reason why he hated Xiao Yu was to repay Xiao Yu for despising and humiliating him just now!

No one can survive under my Bai Yaojian! You are no exception!

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