Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1491: Bullying

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and he didn't expect that the guardian from the Southern Cloud Territory Spell Sect in this southeastern land could see so clearly.

After all, they are tens of thousands of miles apart from the center of Qizongmen!

Zhang Shengxiang didn't know what Meng Hufa was doing. Hearing the latter's comments and wooing, he became more suspicious.

"How is it possible? The magic sect will only recruit disciples from the Southern Cloud Region when it comes back, and will not allow people from other regions to join. What is Meng Hufa doing?"

Xiao Yu lowered his head in thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

Of course he knew that he was in a dangerous place, but he didn't expect that the other party's words were sharp and talked about the pattern of the seven sects, which was not beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Little brother, you need to know the truth about bystanders and authorities. Judging from the things you have done recently, Clear Sky School, Windshield Sect, White Jade Valley, and Purple Spirit Sect, these sects have refused to accommodate you. I see your face full of dark clouds and frowned. If I guess correctly, you must have encountered some difficulties."

"how do you know?"

Zhang Shengxiang whispered: "The Magic Sect has always had the ability to conquer the heavens and the good and evil, especially the priests of the sect, and can also calculate the future of a sect."

Meng Hufa sneered in his heart--

Boy, you are still too tender, just a few words scared you like this, this time, are you still in my palm?

Meng Hufa said indifferently on the surface: "I am not afraid to tell you that you can only save your life in our southern cloud region."

Xiao Yu was silent, his eyes narrowed slightly.

What Meng Hufa was paying attention to, although Xiao Yu didn’t know, he was not a fledgling boy, nor was he an inexperienced hairy boy. Of course he knew what the other party said. The most important purpose was to make himself chaotic. So as to follow the other party's wishes to make decisions.

The pattern of the seven sects, one of his players is indeed not very clear, but he also knows that there are too many people who want to kill him, at least those sects want to die by themselves.

This so-called contemplative astronomical phenomenon is not suitable for Xiao Yu, which is nothing more than bluffing children.

"You tried so hard to ask me to join your spell school, is it because of the parchment in my body?" Xiao Yu sneered in his heart.

No one can do something meaningless. He is an outsider, and although he has different talents, but the mantra sect that this person is talking about is so powerful, how can he rarely join him?

The southern cloud region is exclusive and closed. It has existed for thousands of years. Although the other party's words express a desire to join him, Meng Hufa's mood is too eager.

If you really want to recruit talents, you shouldn't be bullying and temptation. Meng Hufa has repeatedly thrown olive branches to curse the power of Dharma Sect too high to step down on other sects. This is not the heart of Sima Zhao. Everyone knows what this is?

Of course Xiao Yu was not stupid. He didn't mean to refuse quickly, because he knew very well that this person was much stronger than himself. Once he turned his face, if the other party rips his face, it will not do any good to Xiao Yu at all.

In addition, he still had to worry about Lu Guobin's pursuit and killing, and now, this guardian Meng really gave Xiao Yu a big problem.

Zhang Shengxiang was also embarrassed. Of course he knew Xiao Yu's difficult choice, but the problem was that he couldn't help speaking on either side!

At this moment, the disciples of the Bloodfang Zongmen hurried in again——

"Report! Ten miles away, there are two powerful auras moving here."

Zhang Shengxiang's heart shook, and even Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

The so-called house leaks happen to rain overnight, maybe this is the situation now.

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