Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1501: there is always a solution to a problem

From a distance, everyone saw the figure of an old man with a hurried expression. Who was it if it wasn't Han Yi?

Before Han Yi came to the mountain gate of the Bloodfang Sect, he felt relieved the moment he saw Xiao Yu, and he suddenly swept over.

"Xiao Yu, are you okay?" Han Yi was very anxious. "I went to the Lin's house just now and found that you and Lin Yao were gone. Then I came here. Great. Fortunately, you are okay."

Xiao Yu's heart warmed, everything was as he expected, Han Yi really came down the mountain to find him.

Seeing that it was the elder of Xiaoyao Sect, Zhang Shengxiang and other disciples of the Bloodfang Sect were relieved.

The group immediately arrived in the hall.

Xiao Yu told his story. After Han Yi listened, he was furious, and said with a stern voice: "I guessed it! Purple Spirit Sect, Windshield Sect, even Haotian Sect came in with a foot? They are so courageous, they dare to calculate my Xiaoyao Sect and try to kill my Xiaoyao Sect disciple!! When I return from this trip, I must report to the Great Elder and ask them to settle accounts!"

Han Yi used all his strength and finally broke free of the phantom formation.

After breaking the formation, he headed towards the blue clouds non-stop, and then he found the Bloodfang Sect. Fortunately, he really met Xiao Yu here.

"Xiao Yu, if you are no longer here, I don't know what to do." Han Yi obviously has lingering fears and calmed down a lot.

Xiao Yu: "The elders calm down, this is not the time to settle accounts."

"The Haotian School, the Purple Spirit School, the Windshield Sect is really bullying. I really think I am good to bully the Xiaoyao Sect! Today, their three sects can join hands to deal with you, and they will definitely do it again if they have a chance. Kill you, if we can bear it this time, how do the people of other sects think of us!" Han Yi said in a deep voice, his body shrouded in astonishing murderous intent.

It can be said that Zhang Shengxiang did not dare to take a breath, but he knew that Han Yi's strength exceeded the level of three days!

The three elders of the Xiaoyao Sect are all extraordinary existences. Their strength is not as good as the ordinary elders of the other sects. This is the background of the Xiaoyao Sect!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and calmly said: "Elder Han, if I am angry, I am no less than you, but in this situation, even if we step on their sect, they will definitely lay down a net to wait for us. At that time, we will throw ourselves into the net, which will not benefit us at all."

"Are you just letting them go? This time, there will definitely be a second time, we definitely can't let you risk it!" Han Yi said.

A warm current flowed through Xiao Yu's heart, but he still said: "If you can't bear it, you will be chaotic. The world of the sect is still unstable. If our seven sects are still fighting like this, what if there is a chance for other forces? "

With a move in Han Yi's heart, he suddenly became quiet.

The open and secret fights within the seven sects are nothing new. They have always had big and small conflicts, but they have never hurt their foundation, just because they still care about the general situation.

A blood-red light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, which was a trace of fierce aura of the killing power of his Asura bloodline.

He condensedly said: "Obviously, their goal this time is me, not our Xiaoyao Sect, because they may also know that if the Xiaoyao Sect is destroyed, the entire sect world may fall into chaos. In that case, I'm going to take this opportunity to cover the water and soil! If they come, I will kill one, and if they come, I will kill one pair!"

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