Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1505: The trick is born again (part 1)


At this time, Cui Yuan, Gan Ning, and the four elders of the Purple Spirit Sect were all present because they were waiting for first-hand news.

After all, it only takes one day to get rid of their common heart problems. Although several people have not reached the point of restlessness, at least, on this matter, the two sects have the same idea, so they appear more anxious.

When night fell, a figure finally walked in, and it was Lu Guobin.

"Guobin!" When Lu Guobin came back, Gan Ning was overjoyed and greeted him.

But when they saw that Lu Guobin's clothes were full of wrinkles and there was a trace of burnt marks, and Lu Guobin's face was also cold, the three of them felt a little stunned.

"Did something unexpected happen?" Cui Yuan asked with his eyes condensed.

The four elders of the Purple Spirit Sect also felt something wrong.

"Xiao Yu ran away." Lu Guobin took a deep breath and finally said.

"What!?" Gan Ning was restless again.

But I don't know why, Cui Yuan didn't seem to be overly shocked, but his eyes were uncertain.

This kind of result, although not what he wants to see, but in the midst of it, he seems to feel this kind of result.

Immediately after, Lu Guobin told about his encounter during this trip.

After listening, the three of them began to ponder, and the fourth elder of the Purple Spirit Sect took the lead in a deep voice: "I really didn't expect that Xiao Yu's six sense keenness has reached this level. They are so far apart, they can take the lead in sensing Until your existence, and then know how to use the formation to test you."

From Lu Guobin's ears, they could hear the terrifying nature of the young man, as well as the meticulous thoughts and talents that far exceeded their imagination.

Lu Guobin thinks the same way.

If it was not a avatar of wood that was testing his power, but the body, Lu Guobin had already killed the opponent.

"Hehe, what a wood clone, it seems that your Purple Spirit Sect helped us in disguised form!" Cui Yuan mocked intentionally or unconsciously.

The four elders of the Purple Spirit Sect were silent.

This is obviously ironic.

The avatar of Wood was obtained by Xiao Yu from their Purple Spirit Sect, and now it was used by Xiao Yu to deal with Lu Guobin. In a sense, isn't it the "help" of the Purple Spirit Sect in disguise?

Of course, Cui Yuan's words meant more to satirize the incompetence of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Zi Lingzong is known as the heaven of the world array mage of the sect. I didn't expect such a powerful array to be practiced by an outsider. To be honest, Cui Yuan was scornful, but he didn't say it clearly.

The fourth elder's face is ugly, he is not so teased by Cui Yuan, because from this perspective, the formation is indeed out of the Purple Spirit Sect.

But now, it is no longer discussing Xiao Yu's soul talent against the sky, or the incompetence of their Purple Spirit Sect, that has caused Xiao Yu to master the key formation.

If not, maybe Xiao Yu didn't have the ability to test, and instead committed danger with his own body. At that time, Lu Guobin had already killed him.

"I didn't expect Xiao Yu to survive this catastrophe, and there would be external forces to help." Gan Ning took a deep breath.

This time, the action itself was the combination of the Windshield Sect and the Purple Spirit Sect, and they joined the Clear Sky Sect in the middle, which was supposed to be foolproof. Who knows that people are not as good as the sky, and such a southern cloud region appeared in the middle!

"The Southern Clouds and our rivers have always kept the waters of the wells. What will their behavior appear in the hinterland?" Gan Ning frowned again.

When it comes to the Southern Cloud Region, Cui Yuan and the four elders of the Purple Spirit Sect have cold faces.

The Southern Cloud Territory is in the southeast. It has always been ignorant of world affairs and has no contact with all the sects in their hinterland.

However, in the area of ​​the Southern Cloud Region, even the Xiaoyao Sect would not provoke an existence before the Haotian Sect had risen.

"Is it possible that Xiaoyaomen united with the Magic Sect?" Just as the Fourth Elder said this, Cui Yuan's eyes flashed with astonishing cold light.

If this is really combined with Xiaoyaomen, doesn't it mean that Xiaoyaomen is about to fight back?

"will not."

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