Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1523: Colorful Xuanming Formation

All Hundred Medicine Valley are alchemists, and because of the status of Hundred Medicine Valley and the relationship with the major forces, they did not invite powerful guards.

They hardly thought of who had the courage to make trouble in their Baiyao Valley.

However, even if they are only alchemists and do not have any attack power, they still have the attack barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley.

It is said that this attack enchantment existed before Hundred Medicine Valley was established. It is said that it was a place of training for a strong man before sitting, and it was immediately cultivated by the people of Hundred Medicine Valley, and then it became The reliance of Baiyao Valley.

In the history of Hundred Medicine Valley, of course, some people attacked Hundred Medicine Valley, but without exception, they were all killed by this attack enchantment.

At this point, for hundreds of years, the attack barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley has almost become a legendary existence, and of course people who don't know how many evil intentions dispel these thoughts.

And this time, it was obvious that Bai Yaogu's attack enchantment needed to be activated again.

I saw that the six elders of Baiyao Valley, Yu Chen, Fan Zhi, the tall and thin old man, and the other three elders were all in Jieyin at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Hundred Medicine Valley seemed to be moved by something, and for a while, from a mid-air position, it suddenly became hazy.

To be precise, it was the original full-bodied spiritual power of heaven and earth, which seemed to have turned into a cloud at this moment.

"Look! What's that?"

Immediately after a young alchemist exclaimed, everyone looked up, and their eyes were shocked.

I saw that the spiritual power of heaven and earth in mid-air turned into a colorful color, like a fairy from the sky, hazy, enveloping, and radiant, just like the auspiciousness of the sky.

However, the subsequent changes made some people outside of Bai Yaogu feel shocked.

Those hazy colorful fog suddenly became dense. The conspicuous colorful color was mixed with a dark green fog, just like the black fog rising from the rotten and dirty swamp, making people retreat three feet. .

At the same time, an extremely uncomfortable, cold and decadent aura enveloped the entire Hundred Medicine Valley.

From a distance, everyone seemed to be shrouded by an inverted swamp.

"This is... Colorful Xuanming Formation?" Ji Yining's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

The face of the group of people in Tomb West Region suddenly changed.

The so-called enchantment is also an alternative formation, but the formation is driven by the power of the soul, but the enchantment is not.

The level of the enchantment is much higher than the formation method, because to display an enchantment, you need not know how powerful the strength is.

And this colorful Xuanming formation is recorded in ancient books.

It is said that thousands of years ago, the colorful mysterious formation was a place of powerful natural spiritual power in the Valley of Hundred Medicines, and then combined with various mixed and chaotic auras, like the air of a poisonous miasma, like the corrosion of a corpse, or a snake and insect A natural enchantment formed by the gathering of cruel and eerie monsters such as rats and ants.

Therefore, this attack enchantment is so strange that it makes people feel uncomfortable, and it has such a gorgeous color.

Xiao Yu looked up at the sky, his eyes flashing with interest.

"I didn't expect this to be the attack barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley."

Hundred Medicine Valley has vast magical powers, and its network of connections is almost all over the major forces. In these years, no one has provoked them at all, but in Xiao Yu's view, perhaps this situation will change today.

"Xiaolong, don't come out for now."

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