Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1526: I will kill you first!

In an instant, the vortex suddenly became several times larger, and the swirling vortex of a full 100 meters was like a defensive gate, and all of them resisted the falling colorful waterfall.

The expressions of Yu Chen and others changed drastically in an instant.

Everyone knows that Xiaoyao Sect's reliance is that Xiaoyao Fu, which is known as the world's number one cultivation technique in the sect. They did not expect that the powerful background that Xiao Yu revealed at this time would also make them feel incredible.

It was too late, it was fast, the majestic colorful waterfall, at the moment when it encountered the vortex, not only was it resisted, but the waterfall was also absorbed.

The vortex got bigger and bigger, and finally all the colorful waterfalls were absorbed. Then, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he pushed it out with one palm.

"go with!"


The vortex suddenly stood in front of Xiao Yu, and then the vortex suddenly rotated in the opposite direction, and a colorful aurora rushed towards Yu Chen and the others.


The crowd was stunned in an instant. No one thought that Xiao Yu could absorb such a powerful attacking barrier with this trick, and could also use the power of the barrier to kill the opponent.

"Hurry up!" Yu Chen's face suddenly changed.

The aurora transformed by the colorful clouds and mist is like the afterglow from the horizon, and the speed is almost between the electric light and flint.

After Yu Chen roared, the first one was to dodge to the side.


Accompanied by a scream, two of the great alchemy masters couldn't dodge, and they were directly blasted into pieces of meat by the colorful aurora.

Yu Chen and the others turned pale, their eyes were cracked, and the laser almost passed in front of the eyes of the remaining four people. The hurricanes and evil spirits they brought up made their internal organs seem to jump. Come out the same.


The colorful aurora was too terrifying. After killing the two elders of Hundred Medicine Valley, they directly blasted towards the hall in front.


The small half of the hall was directly turned into powder. From a distance, it was dusty and powerful.

Everyone in Baiyao Valley's face changed drastically.

No one had imagined that Xiao Yu's methods would be so clever, and that arrogant expression was simply like a man of ease!

"How could it be..." Yu Chen muttered to himself, his eyes seemed a little frightened.

They concentrate the power of six people, even in the Earth Spirit Realm, it will definitely be wiped out, but what about this kid?

Is the power of the legendary Xiaoyaomen Fu really so terrifying?

Xiao Yu's eyes were calm, and this result seemed to be what he expected.

You know, his strength in the human spirit realm is enough to kill the earth spirit realm's Jia Chen, but at that time Xiao Yu was urging swordsmanship, and there was no time for fierce battle between life and death.

The colorful waterfall just now had a strong offensive. If it were an ordinary Earth Spirit Realm master, he would have been seriously injured or killed, but Xiao Yu was different.

With his current cultivation base, he is confident that he has the strength to compete against a master at the pinnacle of the spiritual realm!

That is to say, Xiao Yu only felt a strong sense of crisis last time when he faced Lu Guobin, who was Xiaocheng in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

This is one of Xiao Yu's background.

"The attack formations urged by the six of you can't kill me. Two of you are dead now. Is it time for your Valley Master to come out?" Xiao Yu said calmly.

"Xiao Yu, you..." The elders such as Yu Chen and Fan Zhi all had their eyes open.

What Xiao Yu killed was the two great alchemists of their Hundred Medicine Valley!

Two great alchemists were killed in an instant! This is the humiliation that Baiyaogu has never suffered for so many years.

Zhong Xiajie was also completely stunned, and Ji Yining and Ji Qingshan's siblings stayed where they were.

Xiao Yu actually succeeded in taking over the attack barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley?

He is just a human spirit!

"Xiao Yu, do you really think you can do whatever you want? Even the four of us are enough to kill you! Motivate..."

Who knows, before Yu Chen finished speaking, Xiao Yu's eyes were wink: "It's late, I will kill you first!"

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