Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1529: The Power of Zilin Fist

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was moved instantly, even the owner of the valley Qiu Qingrong, his expression changed.

The purple light was like a beam of light, soaring to the sky like a volcanic eruption, directly stifling the momentum of the three evil palms.

From a distance, you can see that Xiao Yu's whole body is shrouded in purple light.

"Look, what is that!?" someone in the crowd yelled.

Within the purple light, there was a vaguely majestic monster leaping out, the fierce, ancient aura that seemed to come from the wild and ancient, making everyone feel like bowing their heads to court.

"Pretend! Give me a break!"

Qiu Qingrong's expression stunned. At best, the opponent is just a kid in a person's spirit realm. No matter how strong the earth spirit realm is, it is his limit. How could he break this big formation that even the sky spirit realm can't escape?

Of course, his three evil palms, even a master at the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm, were enough to be killed, and Xiao Yu didn't have this ability.

Along with Qiu Qingrong's angry shout, Yi's hand was again empty.


The red, blue, and dark green eyes on the three evil palms suddenly shined, suddenly suppressing the purple light that rose to the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the purple light was about to be defeated.

Xiao Yu's eyes were immediately filled with a purple light. With a punch with his fist, the void hit the sky.


A roar that stunned the entire valley rang out. With Xiao Yu's punch, the ancient purple unicorn suddenly rushed toward the sky with the might of the world.

The invisible wave emanating from the fist pose made the entire Hundred Medicine Valley tremble slightly.

That is a kind of power from ancient monsters, that is a momentum that even the spiritual power of heaven and earth maintains trembling.

The surging punch contains a mighty force, and the monstrous majesty is when it encounters those three evil palms.


The earth-shaking collision sounded loudly. The energy fluctuations caused by the collision of the two powers caused all the colorful clouds and fog in the sky to collapse. Even the huge energy fluctuations spread to a radius of one thousand meters. All the alchemists were shaken away several hundred meters away.

Only a few cultivators can gain a foothold in this momentum.

This Zilin fist of Xiao Yu gathered almost his entire body of Qilin power. Even though the two offensives disappeared at the same time, Xiao Yu was still the center of the hand-to-hand touch of fists. At this time, you can see that his feet reach his knees. The position has been completely plunged underground.

The pressure produced by the collision between the Zilin fist and the three evil palms almost caused Xiao Yu's legs to be broken.

If it weren't for his physical body different from ordinary people, I'm afraid his lower body would have been crippled by this time.

Qiu Qingrong's face was extremely pale, this scene was beyond his imagination.

As the valley owner of Hundred Medicine Valley, he certainly heard all the rumors about this young man in the sect world, but he didn't take it at all at the time.

In other words, the entire Baiyao Valley didn't take it to heart.

In any case, they never thought that Xiao Yu would attack Baiyao Valley.

It wasn't until just now that he finally understood that the reality turned out to be much scarier than the rumors.

The physical power contained in this young man is simply an absolute enchanting existence among so many people who practice physical exercises.

The enchantment attack that was enough to kill all the peaks of the Earth Spirit Realm was broken!

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