Shura God Emperor

Chapter 153: Make things difficult

Xiao Yu was taken aback, and immediately understood that Tang Ling'er was also a member of the royal family in a certain way, and it was understandable to go to the Forest of Fist Tablets to learn about it.

The light flashed, and the little lizard immediately flew out and pounced on Tang Ling'er.

Tang Ling'er was startled, but the lizard suddenly felt very affectionate towards Tang Ling'er.


Tang Linger was a little surprised, playing with the lizard, and said, "Xiao Yu, is this your pet? It's so cute, what's its name."

Can I say it is my demon pet?

When he said the name, the little lizard's eyes widened and looked towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu glanced at it and said, "You can call it Xiaolong."

When I heard the name Xiaolong, I don't know why, the eyes of this lizard suddenly sparkled.

Tang Linger held Xiaolong and asked curiously, "Why is it called Xiaolong?"

Xiao Yu said: "The distant relative of the inhabiting monster beast is a dragon, so it is called Xiaolong."

This reason is not far-fetched. In fact, Xiao Yu had some angry words in it.

You gadget is not a monster, then I will put a big hat on you and see if you are embarrassed.

Xiaolong immediately jumped vigorously, crawling around Tang Ling'er, and he seemed very satisfied with the name.

Xiao Yu was speechless and said: "Let's go."

The two of them headed towards a certain back mountain in the palace. This was the Forest of Boxing Tablets. Before entering Xiao Yu, they felt a wave of formation.

The boxing stele forest is only a few thousand meters in radius, but the ability to launch such a large-scale array is enough to imagine how much the royal family attaches to this boxing stele forest.

As he got closer, Xiao Yu saw many powerful guards guarding the entrance, and he also saw a dozen or twenty people.

These people are all children of the royal family. After all, there are many concubines in the royal family, and there are also many regular family forces. These are basically the children of elite geniuses in the capital.

However, the strength of most people is basically the same as Xiao Yu.

After all, in the royal family, the Queen and Concubine Yang’s forces are the most powerful. All the talented children under the Concubine Yang have been defeated by Xiao Yu. The rest are small and medium-sized families except for the forces under the Queen’s family. The relationship between innate resources is more difficult to deal with the kind of powerful genius.

Therefore, in the crowd, Xiao Yu seemed to have found some people from the three major families.

His appearance naturally attracted the attention of many people, especially three of them. These three were all in their twenties and had a strong aura, and they were all in the late stage of the confluence state.

As he walked here, Tang Linger whispered: "The three are from the Wang family, the Wei family and the Li family's children who were recruited by the royal family in the early days. They have been performing tasks outside, and they came back a few days ago."

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes. If he guessed right, these three people should have been sent by the queen.

Of course, he wasn't afraid, if they really dared to mess around, he wouldn't mind giving some color to them quietly.

The three young people came over at the same time, staring at Xiao Yu. One of the young people in gray clothes said coldly: "Are you Xiao Yu?"

"Any advice?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

The gray-clothed youth said coldly: "Ordinary people say that you are arrogant and unusual. It seems that you are not fake at all. I don't know where you are from. You let so many people here wait for you. Shouldn't you say sorry? ?"

Xiao Yu laughed in his heart. Before he entered the Forest of Boxing Tablets, someone started to make things difficult for him!

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