Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1532: Reactivate Tianmu Seeds

Just now, Xiao Long seemed to be a little anxious, so Xiao Yu temporarily escaped from Hundred Medicine Valley.

After all, its golden cicada cover can't resist for long.

When Xiaolong showed the golden cicada cover in a fully defensive state, his idea was to look at the elixir of the Hundred Medicine Valley, and then remember the golden cicada cover to escape.

But the development of things did not go as Xiao Yu and Xiaolong had expected before.

Hundred Medicine Valley secretly planned to unite with outsiders to kill Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu also changed his strategy.

"Xiaolong, you try to persist, I will use Tianmu seeds to invade the entire attack barrier!"

This thought was heard by Xiaolong, Xiaolong was also taken aback and seemed to be questioning——

Is this really ok?

After all, Xiaolong was in Xiao Yu's body, and of course he knew all the energy sources of Xiao Yu.

This Tianmu seeds, because they were consumed in the forest attribute secret realm last time, changed from the state of the branches to the state of seeds. Only when they were activated, would they take root and sprout.

Attacking the enchantment can also be regarded as an alternative formation method. In theory, the Tianmu seeds can also be eroded, but this requires the support of an extremely huge soul.

After coming out of the Purple Spirit Sect, Xiao Yu always wanted to activate the Tianmu seeds in his full state.

It is true that the Tianmu Seed has been stimulated since the trip to the Secret Realm of Forest Attributes, but it has lost the towering and luxuriant state of the Tianmu Divine Array at the beginning.

To this extent, the Tianmu God Formation is retrogressive and in a state of malaise.

"Yes, I just want to activate the Tianmu Seed with my full soul state!" Xiao Yu's eyes showed firmness.

Although Xiao Yu didn’t know exactly what the Tianmu God Array was, there was no doubt that the Heaven Wood God Array had something to do with the soul. Otherwise, he would not be able to realize all of his previous formations. Counter-control, and the ability to plant later.

Xiaolong suddenly became anxious.

After all, the full-soul state inspires Tianmu seeds, which means to take all of Xiao Yu's soul power away. In this way, Xiao Yu's soul will definitely reach a point of drying up, and it may affect the soul Foundation.

In addition, if it fails to activate the true potential of the Tianmu Seed, then Xiao Yu will fall into a coma due to the exhaustion of his soul, and that will be artificial fish and I will be a sword.

"No, the jade slips that Elder Han gave me, I won't call them until I live or die, and I still want to try it."

"Don't worry, I will keep the spiritual platform clear and bright. If it doesn't work, we will withdraw. It won't work..."

A blood-red color flashed across Xiao Yu's eyes, yes, he thought of the power of killing realm.

Once that kind of power is activated, although there may be a delusion, and even the spiritual wisdom will be invaded, there is no way out.

Of course, killing is the last resort.

Because if the attempt fails and the best time to smash the jade slip is missed, then the elders of Xiaoyaomen will definitely be too late to rescue.

"Xiaolong, we are seeking wealth and wealth. If we succeed in this trip, Hundred Medicine Valley will be ours!" Xiao Yu's eyes widened.

Suddenly a golden light flashed in Xiao Yu's body, and that was Xiaolong's decision.

Xiao Yu smiled: "Okay! We can fight together again."

It was too late and it was fast, and three colorful vortexes condensed in the sky, and they attacked again suddenly.

Ji Yining's heart mentioned his throat, this is already the third round of attacks!

If you really ran into it, the golden mask would definitely not be able to bear it, and it would burst into pieces immediately!

But who knows, right here, a sonic roar suddenly burst out from within the golden light cover.

Sonic roared, angering the world!

The whole valley was shaking with the earth and mountains, and the force of terrifying sound waves broke through the golden cicada cover, soaring into the sky, and the three colorful clouds and mist turned into countless clouds and mist scattered everywhere.

"Why..." Qiu Qingrong's face was frozen.

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