Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1546: Try to tame

Ji Yining didn't know that Xiao Yu wanted to hold this corpse after listening to their conversation and knowing the importance of the corpse.

In this way, those who have to deal with the Western Regions of the Tomb will look at Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu is so serious about love and righteousness, so he can ignore his life and death, how can he ignore Xiao Yu?

Of course he also knew that Xiao Yu had suffered too much. After all, the entire sect world wanted Xiao Yu to die. If such a friend who helped him was put in a deep water because of their family affairs, he would not Peace of mind.

Xiao Yu had already seen that Ji Yining really wanted to make friends with herself. This kind of character was so many times better than those who had mischief and hidden evil intentions.

To be honest, Xiao Yu has almost no friends in the sect world.

Even Zhan Xiaoyu, who regarded him as his younger sister, finally turned the spear on him due to the pressure of the sect.

Of course he didn't mean to blame anyone.

People do not kill themselves for their own sake, and many people in the sect world will become involuntarily involuntarily because of their interests and cultivation resources.

If you can't help hurting people, you can't help you **** them, you can't help killing people, why isn't you?

Xiao Yu grinned and said, "Brother Ji, you think of me so well, but have you ever thought about it, if I really want this golden coffin to help me?"

"Xiao Yu?" Ji Yining was dumbfounded.

Yes, Xiao Yu just heard about the corpse of Xiangu in this golden coffin, his heart was moved.

A corpse that can far exceed the realm of three days, help yourself! Isn't this able to make oneself become more smooth after at least a short period of cultivation path?

Xiao Yu's current capital is very small, and his background is not enough. Every time he fights life and death, if there is a strong protection, then Xiao Yu will of course be happy.

Qiu Qingrong's expression turned bitter, thinking that you only think about yourself, but what about our Baiyao Valley?

However, they did not dare to have such an attack on the spot, waiting for Xiao Yu to have any good plans.

Because if the golden coffin were kept for Xiao Yu, then they would have paid for nothing!

However, Xiao Yu said that he would not let them give in vain. Is there any article in this?

They waited for good news, but Ji Yining thought for a while, still said: "No, let's not talk about the danger of you getting the golden coffin. The guy inside is not something you can tame."


This was Xiao Yu's turn to be curious, and said, "Do you still want to tame?"

A person from the Western Region of the Grave said in a deep voice: "Yes, the golden coffin is inherited, and generally requires the blood of the Patriarch to control it. Because although it is a corpse, it retains some ancient power in front of him. Wan Years ago, the ancient continent was a wild land. This kind of power requires special secret methods. Otherwise, once the soul connection is applied, the soul will burst and disappear."

Ji Yining looked at Qiu Qingrong and the others, and said: "People outside the golden coffin usually don't know that the Hundred Medicine Valley has been closed for so long. Presumably you also learned about it from the remnant soul of the previous Valley Lord?"

Fan Zhi's expression changed and he couldn't say anything: "Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors?" Xiao Yu asked.

Qiu Qingrong shook his head and sighed: "Before, there was a Valley Master. It is said that when he went out to practice, he passed through the Western Tombs, and because of contact with a powerful corpse, his soul almost disappeared, and only a little remnant soul remained when he returned. Before he died, he said that the corpse was inside the golden coffin of the western part of the grave."

"Yes, the corpse had not been excavated at the time. Presumably, Lord Guigu discovered the coffin by accident, and now, this corpse is in my soul consciousness." Ji Yining said.

"So Xiao Yu, you know why I can't promise you, right? I can't do it because of emotion or reason. It is impossible for the valley master of the Hundred Medicine Valley at that time to control the alchemy heavenly master, how can you control it?" Ji Yining shook his head.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart, smiled slightly, and said, "What if I said I should try it?"

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