Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1548: I disagree

As soon as he said this, Ji Yining also looked at Xiao Yu solemnly.

Xiao Yu's greatest reliance was Wen Zhan, Han Yi and the support of the three elders, and then the greatest hope was in Xiao Yu.

It is undeniable that with Xiao Yu's own strength, it is difficult to support the entire Xiaoyao Gate.

But as Xiao Yu became more and more famous in the world of the sect, on the one hand, Xiaoyao Sect would certainly become the target of public criticism, and everyone wanted to eradicate Xiao Yu.

But on the other hand, it is undeniable that the reputation of Xiaoyaomen is constantly rising.

To be able to cultivate Xiao Yu as a genius like an evildoer, I ask, wouldn’t Xiaoyao Sect have an advantage in future assessments or in the recruitment of disciples?

the answer is negative.

Of course, that is also the future.

For the moment, the large sects in the dark may not really make the Xiaoyao Sect perish due to trade-offs. However, once Xiao Yu dies, the hope of Xiaoyao Sect’s rise will be shattered, and it will be more severely excluded. .

Just because of Xiao Yu's appearance, many forces have felt threatened, and they will never let the second Xiao Yu appear at Xiaoyao Gate.

However, Xiao Yu was still calm and calm, and seemed to have something to do with his own life and death. He didn't care at all. He said, "The greatest fear of man is the unknown, but the reason he calls the unknown is because he did not try. Passed. And unknown, why is it not the motivation to move forward? If I don’t even try to do it, then how can I talk about cultivation, and how can I talk about cultivation against the sky?"

Xiao Yu's words moved the group of people, and even the eyes of Qiu Qingrong and others were surprised.

Those who can say such a thing are undoubtedly very clear about their own cultivation path.

If there is no strong belief and fearless heart of the brave, how could it be possible to overcome obstacles and come to the point where it is today?

It is precisely because of the existence of such a courageous heart that this young man has such a mature temperament, calmness in encounters, and even subtly condense such a strong heart and courage.

This is genius!

As a peer, Ji Yining was also moved by Xiao Yu's words.

A person's charm is exuded by his inner strong beliefs, tenacious thoughts, and admirable qualities. There is no doubt that Xiao Yu is such a person.

Even Ji Qingshan's girl's heart seemed to have a throbbing heartbeat because of Xiao Yu's words.

However, reality is still reality, and reason must return to reality. Ji Yining is still very determined and said: "No! I don't agree."

Regardless of whether Xiao Yu wanted to have the golden coffin to increase his self-preservation power, or whether Xiao Yu “wrapped” the golden coffin on himself because he wanted to have a golden coffin, or whether it was half-and-half nature, he was also No matter how much it was, this matter was extremely dangerous, and he wouldn't let Xiao Yu risk it anyway.

Xiao Yu knew that their attitude was firm, but he was really heartbroken.

I don't know why, after being enlightened by rhubarb last time, he was about to move in his heart when he encountered such unknown things.

Especially the corpse of Xiangu! Regardless of whether you can add helpers to yourself, it is also a good thing to be able to see the truth!

Xiao Yu pondered for a long while, his eyes flashed with a bright light, looked at Ji Yining, and said: "Just now you said that even your father can't tame this corpse?"

Even Ji Yining's father couldn't tame it, so of course Ji Yining was impossible.

You know, that is something that even the previous generation of Valley Master of Baiyao Valley can't tame!

Ji Yining didn't know what medicine was sold in Xiao Yu's gourd, but still sighed: "Yes, we have been thinking of ways for decades. This is the reason why our grave Xiyu has been safe. According to my father. Once this ancient corpse is activated, the powerful power it generates will definitely attract many people who look at it."

At this point, Ji Yining didn't speak, as if there were some secrets related to the Western Regions of their grave.

Ji Yining turned around and said, "Even if it is activated, it will be stimulated. Once you run away, I can't control it at all."

Ji Qingshan also changed a little, and said with fear: "Yes, according to the ancient books of our family, this corpse is the leader of the ancient land of the ten directions, and the combat power is extremely terrible."

"That's even more important to tame it." Xiao Yu's eyes turned fiery.

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