Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1562: My name is bloodhoof

He was really helpless.

Now his strength is too weak, even if it is not for Ji Yining, he has to protect himself.

And this golden coffin appeared before his eyes at this moment.

That is the corpse of the ancients, the existence that is much stronger than the three-day realm!

With this help, wouldn't Xiao Yu have a strong self-protection power, and no longer have to worry about it?

Therefore, just now, he was desperately trying to tame the tauren chieftain, even if he was extremely energized.

After all, Chief Bull Head was the leader of the ten directions ten thousand years ago. Majesty and strength coexist. Now it is the so-called Tiger Falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs.

In any case, Xiao Yu had an incomparable respect for the ancestors of power, and the horror of the power of Chief Bullhead really moved him.

"Strictly speaking, my name is Bloodhoof. Boy, you are very good. I can feel the breath of my Tianhuang clan from you. Have you practiced my clan's physical body law?" Chief Bullhead asked.

"Heavenly Desolate Clan?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "I have practiced a lot of physical exercises. For the Tianhuang clan, Tianhuang?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback: "Could it be that the predecessor is talking about the sacred cow?"

When he thought of this, Xiao Yu seemed to understand a lot.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think about it? Chief Bullhead is a bull clan, and he respects power. The second body training exercise that Rhubarb gave me at that time is the wild bull bully body!"

Xiao Yu remembered that Da Huang had said to himself at the time that the Desolate Bull Tyrant Body was the lowest body-refining exercise among the Heavenly Desolate God Bull Clan, and the physical body of the Heavenly Desolate God Bull Clan was so powerful that only the legendary Dragon Clan could suppress it.

Such a high evaluation by Rhubarb also shocked Xiao Yu at the time. Of course, he was also at a loss because he had no concept.

But until his level got higher and higher, Rhubarb gradually revealed more and more things to him. He slowly guessed that Rhubarb and the so-called Tianhuang Divine Cow family were definitely higher planes.

Moreover, Rhubarb also said that the wild bull bully body is not spread, which is enough to imagine how terrifying the status of this so-called wild bull clan.

In the chaos, the ray of light shone brighter, and Bloodhoof sighed with emotion, saying: "Yes, it is the desolate ox clan. I am a child of the desolate clan, but my understanding is limited, so I go out to practice and seek higher power. Then I arrived at a higher plane called Xiangu Continent."

Xiao Yu suddenly took a breath, which coincided with what Da Huang and himself said!

The ancient continent turned out to be really a high plane!

"The Ancient Continent was originally a chaotic place, and it was also the lowest and most primitive place among all the seventy-two great heavenly worlds. But it was the place I had to pass through for standing in the world and returning to the Tianhuang clan.

When Xiao Yu heard this, he held his breath and his heartbeat accelerated.

"It turns out that there are seventy-two great heavens on top of the thirty-six small heavens! This is the collective name for the higher planes!"

Because Rhubarb was afraid of affecting Xiao Yu's cultivation, even the level realm was still a matter of the Nine Heavens World, and it was gradually revealed to Xiao Yu.

Even though, after he learned about the Thirty-Six Little Sky World, with the identity of Rhubarb as his background, he also guessed that there must be "a lot of" higher planes, but he did not expect it to be 72!

Because every so-called world is a plane, once guessed, the world of seventy-two small heavens definitely has seventy-two high planes.

Xiao Yu was shocked and couldn't help it.

Yes, the lower planes are only thirty-six pieces, but what about the higher planes? It's so much!

Xiao Yu's heart moved and he quickly asked, "Senior, you mean, the ancient continent, a higher plane, finally turned into a world of thirty-six small heavens?"

"Yes, the chaotic ancient continent is constantly fighting, and the environment is harsh. Slowly, all the creatures become ferocious, bloody, cruel, and kill each other. Lord, it is still inevitable to be killed and encroached on the mind. The last powerful person who passed through the ancient continent passed by. Seeing this scene, he shot the ancient continent into thirty-six pieces, which is the later thirty-six. Little Sky World."

Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, his heart was overwhelmed, and he couldn't calm down for a long time...

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