Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1571: Conditions for replacing the elixir

When Xiao Yu said this, to be honest, Qiu Qingrong and the others were very excited.

You know, whether you are an alchemist or a refiner, of course you want to be able to refine weapons or spirit pills of better quality and effect.

Just like Yu Chen, he is the most promising soul realm among the few people and the fastest to break through to the spiritual realm realm.

However, his alchemy flame was just a beast fire of a five-level fire attribute beast.

And you must know that there is only one inherited six-level fire attribute monster beast fire in Hundred Medicine Valley, and that is the line of the Valley Lord.

In other words, if Yu Chen breaks through to the living realm, he must find ways to find fire-attributed creatures seeking flames, otherwise he will only be able to use the beast fire of the fifth-level monster beast.

As a result, the spirit pills refined by Yu Chen, even though they are sixth-rank spirit pills, are due to the flame, and the higher the level of the spirit pills, the more powerful flames they need to refine impurities, shape, and so on. The medicinal effect of the spirit pills is definitely the bottom of the sixth-rank spirit pills, and it is even slightly stronger than the five-rank top spirit pills.

As for Qiu Qingrong, being able to obtain a more powerful flame is not only for the rank of the spirit pill he refines, but also for the status of the entire Hundred Medicine Valley, and the overall alchemy ability, it is naturally profitable and harmless.

Xiao Yu could see that all of them were moved, and this was what he expected.

From the time Xiao Yu thought of the golden coffin, he had already planned on what conditions he would exchange with Hundred Medicine Valley, so that they would willingly take out the spirit pills.

Xiao Yu once again said to himself: "I heard that high-class flames can not only improve the quality of refined spirit pills and weapons, but also interact with souls. Am I right?"

Qiu Qingrong had lived for half his life. He took a deep look at Xiao Yu, even though he knew that Xiao Yu said that, most of it was to stimulate them, so that they could better believe in Xiao Yu and be more willing, but what Xiao Yu said is nothing wrong. Stimulate them, or in, in their arms.

"You are right. Everything in the world has spirituality, and flame is no exception. The higher the level of flame, the higher the spiritual intelligence, the more obvious the interaction with the soul, especially the greater the difference in level. The better the pulling effect," Qiu Qingrong said.

It is like Yu Chen, a great master of alchemy, in the realm of the spirit realm. Under normal circumstances, the flames that adapt to him are the fifth-level creatures who want to match the realm.

But if he can possess the flames of beings of level 6, or even level 7 and level 8, then the gap due to this kind of driving will be more obvious.

What follows is that the faster the soul realm improves, of course, whether it is alchemy or refining, the quality of the refined things will naturally be better.

This is the reason why they have a soft spot for the pure and powerful flames of the Southern Cloud Region.

Even after a few years, they still remember it.

However, Nanyunyu retreats and defends itself, with arrogance and temperament similar to Baiyaogu. Of course, they will not bend and brazenly ask for fire.

Even if they were willing to put down their body, according to the previous conditions, it would directly empty their spirit pill library of Hundred Medicine Valley!

How could they agree.

That is what they have accumulated for thousands of years.

Speaking of this, even though Qiu Qingrong and the others are ready to move, they are still reasonable.

The tall and thin elder took a deep breath and said in a concentrated voice, "Little brother, what you said is so nice, are you sure you can get the flames of the southern clouds?"

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