Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1574: Pill Medicine Pavilion

To make a person afraid of you, you can use force to frighten him.

But the best way is to let others recognize you from the bottom of my heart and do things for you willingly.

This is what Qiu Qingrong and others are doing now.

After all, they are making a big bet in the next game, a bet that will bring out the reputation of Baiyaogu for a lifetime.

No one knows what the result will be, even Qiu Qingrong and the others don't know what will happen next.

But at this moment, they are not only betting, but also choosing to believe.

Just ask, how can a person who has such a strong belief, clearly knows his purpose and has great ambitions, can talk nonsense?

In addition, in their opinion, with Xiao Yu's young and mature personality, his style of behavior is definitely step by step, thoughtful, and every step is for the future.

They don't know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, they see hope from a young man with a rising star.

In Xiao Yu's mind.

"The road to cultivation is against the sky, with many difficulties. One more friend is definitely better than one more enemy. With a powerful helper like Baiyaogu, my cultivation path will be much easier in the future."

Soon, under the leadership of the people, they entered a basement, which was a hidden place, which was also the forbidden area of ​​Hundred Medicine Valley, Pill Medicine Pavilion.

The Pill Medicine Pavilion was not accessible to anyone except the Valley Master and the elders.

As soon as you enter it, what comes oncoming is the richness to the extreme, even almost suffocating energy.

Xiao Yu was shocked: "What a rich energy aura! It is several times richer than the third level of the Spirit Gathering Tower!"

After listening to Qiu Qingrong and the others, a look of arrogance appeared on their faces.

"The Spirit Gathering Pagoda is a large array that gathers the spiritual power at the center of the Seven Sects. We have heard a little bit, but sitting on the third floor of your Spirit Gathering Pagoda for a day is not as good as sitting here for an hour." Said proudly.

Xiao Yu didn't doubt this at all.

These rich spiritual energy are all diffused on the neatly placed shelves.

At first glance, the entire pill pavilion is very huge, even hundreds of meters in size.

There are two areas in the Pill Medicine Pavilion. One is dedicated to storing elixir. These elixir are all packed in large or small jade brocade boxes. There are thousands of boxes under the breakdown.

And another area is naturally the place where the elixirs are placed, but there are relatively few elixirs, but there are hundreds of them.

"Huh? There are mental taboos on the spirit medicine and the spirit pill?" Xiao Yu asked suddenly with a move in his heart.

Originally, if normal people heard such words, they would show pride, but they were shocked.

"How do you know?" Yu Chen was shocked.

There is indeed a taboo in the brocade box, which is a trigger taboo, which is set to prevent someone from coming in to steal the elixir.

As long as you open it, you will be touched if you want to take the elixir, and their elders will rush to hear the news.

However, if you don't open the box, it is impossible to know!

Qiu Qingrong's eyes flickered, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu again and said, "If I guessed right, my little brother should have awakened his heart and soul."

Awaken your soul!

Yu Chen and the others were unbelievable, and they showed eyes that looked like evildoers...

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