Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1580: Enlightenment

Divine Soul Dao, of course, was given to Xiao Yu by Rhubarb, and it was also the method of soul cultivation that Xiao Yu's soul realm improved so quickly and his soul power was unique.

Formation, alchemy and refining all cultivate the soul in the same way, so for soul cultivation, soul cultivation exercises are all vital.

Except for the huge sects like Zilingzong, other soul practitioners are either inherited from the formation master guild of the Chenbei Dynasty, or are inherited separately.

But without him, high-class soul cultivation techniques are invaluable, not for money, and even rare.


Several people were surprised. Generally speaking, things like soul cultivation techniques, such as the Purple Spirit Sect Hundred Medicine Valley, must be inherited, and even almost the best in the sect world.

But as soon as the light ball appeared, everyone's pupils shrank, especially Qiu Qingrong, whose eyes burst out with brilliant light, staring at the light ball firmly.

"What a pure energy breath! Deep as the sea, pure as a mirror, what kind of technique is this?" Qiu Qingrong couldn't help exclaiming.

If the flame affects the quality of a spirit pill, then the method of soul cultivation affects the upper limit of a person's soul realm and the speed of his soul's cultivation.

For Xiao Yu's young age, not just a double cultivation, although the soul realm is not very strong, only the realm of the spirit realm, but the purity and depth of his soul power, even Qiu Qingrong will be shocked.

They even guessed that when this son reached the soul realm of the living spirit realm, it was just a matter of course.

They are even still wondering how exactly this son is cultivated. Either the soul talent is against the sky, which must be inevitable, or it must be the method of soul cultivation.

The Divine Soul Dao was so powerful that even Xiao Yu was surprised.

Because he has encountered many formation mages, and after comparing them, he realized that even if his soul realm is temporarily not as good as the opponent, but the purity of the soul power, the feeling of vastness and profoundness, is not ordinary soul cultivation. The law can be compared.

Moreover, Rhubarb also said that there are two upper and lower parts of Shenhundao, and this is the upper part.

Of course, Xiao Yu certainly wouldn't be so stupid that he would really sacrifice the Soul Dao.

This is only a part of the cultivation method of Divine Soul Dao, but for the soul cultivation method of this small world, it is already a great benefit.

It could be seen that Qiu Qingrong and other elders were excited and ready to move.

For the elders such as Yu Chen, any one of them wanted to be promoted to the spiritual realm's alchemy celestial master quickly. However, their talents and cultivation methods were limited, which made it difficult for them to set foot in almost a lifetime.

As for Qiu Qingrong, he naturally hopes to pry into the higher realm of his soul. Undoubtedly, this light group gives him a kind of hope.

And he knew very well that, in comparison, the soul cultivation method of Hundred Medicine Valley was far too infamous compared to what Xiao Yu took out.

"Do you really want to pass it to us?" Qiu Qingrong took a deep breath and asked again.

"Yeah." With a light drag on Xiao Yu's hand, he reached Qiu Qingrong's.

"This cultivation method comes from the Seventy-two Great Heavens world, and it is not something that the Xiaotian world can possess. You will cultivate well and break through to a higher realm as soon as possible." Xiao Yu said with a masterful attitude.

"Definitely, definitely." Qiu Qingrong was excited.

In fact, they had long imagined that this young man had an extraordinary background and had a lot of cards on his body. Maybe he came down from the big world!

Xiao Long looked indifferent and disdainful, turned his head away, Xiao Yu was ashamed.

"Please don't do it like this. Although it is not a complete method of soul cultivation, it is already a treasure for them. And you have eaten half of the pill pavilion!"

Obviously, Xiaolong's expression is as happy as watching some kid picking up sesame seeds, not taking it seriously.

Xiao Yu was speechless, and immediately said: "Gu Master Qiu, I will leave first, and I hope Gu Master Qiu will keep the promise."

"I'm waiting to welcome the little brother, and look forward to the triumphant return of the little brother." Qiu Qingrong and the others all bowed to each other, and they were so convincing that they almost fell to the ground.

They completely forgot about the half pill pavilion that Xiaolong had swallowed.

After all, the elixir that has been swallowed can be refined, and it can be stored if there is no one.

But the powerful method of soul cultivation is beyond expectation!


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