Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1583: "Express Provisions" (Part 1)

The child of the sect said, "Any swordsman can participate in this Sword Comprehension Conference of Xuanjian Pavilion, but there is a prerequisite. The sword technique that you understand must be given to Xuanjian Pavilion."

Xiao Yu was surprised, but the others were just puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yu also asked curiously.

The disciple of that sect glanced at Xiao Yu. It seemed that several people were waiting for his answer. The disciple of this sect said indifferently, "I'm afraid this is your first time to participate? This Sword Enlightenment Conference is actually Xuanjian Pavilion. An enchantment set up by the Kaishan Sect Master at that time."

It turned out that thousands of years ago, the Sect Master of Xuanjian Pavilion, who was known as the descendant of the Sword Saint, brought an ancient enchantment from a higher plane to open the mountain to build a school.

And this so-called pioneering school.

According to legend, that enchantment was the place of enlightenment of this mountain master.

In the life of this sect master, he has realized many powerful swordsmanship, and these swordsmanship exist in the barrier. As long as a predestined person enters the barrier, he can break the mystery inside and realize these swordsmanship.

You know, Xuanjian Pavilion is the gathering place for all sword repairs in the entire sect. In terms of swordsmanship, Xuanjian Pavilion must be second to none.

Even at the same level, because Xuanjian Pavilion's sword repair possesses powerful techniques, coupled with powerful sword techniques, this allows Xuanjian Pavilion's disciples to have the upper hand in battle.

The power of Qi Xiu is the existence of outstanding people in the line of cultivators.

With weapons, especially the swordsmanship of the descendants of the sword sage like Xuanjian Pavilion, how could the combat effectiveness be so weak?

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers, and the sword is the most used in the sect world.

Therefore, it can be said that the sword repair of Xuanjian Pavilion occupies most of the weight of the sect world.

From a certain point of view, Xuanjian Pavilion and Zi Lingzong are a bit similar, the latter's formation ranks first in the sect world, and it is also a paradise for formation geniuses.

For the same reason, Xuanjian Pavilion's swordsmanship is also countless, especially in this enlightenment enchantment.

This barrier is even more mysterious than the Four Secret Realms of Fenghuoshan Forest of the Purple Spirit Sect, only because it can only be opened once in five years.

Xuanjian Pavilion is open to all sword repairs in the entire sect world. They did not give unconditionally, and then came out such a so-called "clear text"——

Just as long as you understand the sword technique, you have two options, one is to join the Xuanjian Pavilion, and the other is to hand in a copy of the sword technique obtained from the enlightenment.

The method of joining Xuanjian Pavilion is easy to understand. This original intention is similar to that of the formation exchange meeting held by the Purple Spirit Sect at that time.

After all, no sect would want disciples of other sects to practice their own sect.

And all those who can gain something in these or other conferences are all talented generations that any sect wants to accept.

It was the second choice that surprised Xiao Yu, or said that he had changed a little bit for the sect of Xuanjian Pavilion.

"Xuan Jiange's approach is still upright." Xiao Yu thought to himself.

It was not that he had never met a disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion. In his opinion, Xuanjian Pavilion was of the same virtue as Clear Sky School, Fengshimen and others.

After constantly suppressing the Xiaoyao Sect to prevent Xiaoyao Sect from overtaking them, and after knowing the potential of Xiao Yu's talent, he also secretly killed the killer.

It can be said that Xiao Yu has completely disliked these sects.

But I didn't expect that Xuanjian Pavilion's Sword Enlightenment Conference was much more upright than the Purple Spirit Sect.

The Purple Spirit Sect clearly stated that the formation masters of the sect world can learn more formations and condense and strengthen the overall strength of the formation masters.

In fact, once you see the amazing and talented people, if you can't get them together, you have to find a way to get rid of them. Xiao Yu is a good example.

In the third round at that time, it was said that it was launched after reaching the mask, but in fact it was to put Xiao Yu to death. If he were a disciple of the main sect of the Purple Spirit Sect, Xiao Yu believed that they would definitely not launch the so-called Of the third round.

This is the belly of the Purple Spirit Sect, the kind of mentality that other people can't get, and it really makes Xiao Yu's heart lingering.

But I didn't expect that Xuanjian Pavilion was completely different.

As soon as they came up, they said that the swordsmanship obtained by comprehension should be returned to Xuanjian Pavilion. Although this approach has selfish intentions, it is obviously easier than the practice of Xuanjian Pavilion in the face of the Purple Spirit Sect. Acceptable.

Because it is clearly stipulated from the beginning, there is no need to add any rules afterwards. This is a posture of a villain before a gentleman, which is more acceptable.

Of course, even so, Xiao Yu still retained a vigilant attitude towards the Purple Spirit Sect.

"In any case, Xuanjian Pavilion is also one of the sects that want to get rid of me, so I can't take it lightly." Xiao Yu thought to himself.

Come to participate in the Sword Comprehension Conference, because one can experience himself, and secondly, he is also a sword repairman, and his ability to understand swords is also super high.

However, Xiao Yu naturally wanted to understand a higher realm if he was going to make progress.

Who doesn't want to be stronger and stronger?

The strength of the Seven-Star Ancient Sword is something that Xiao Yu could not compare with any spirit weapon of any rank.

With his efforts, the Seven-Star Sword has strengthened its connection with Qi Ling, and the rust has also faded by two-thirds. It can be said that the Seven-Star Sword is one of Xiao Yu's cards.

If there is a chance, Xiao Yu certainly wants to completely remove the rust of the Seven Star Sword in order to enhance his fighting strength.

Soon, Xiao Yu followed everyone, and he was outside the gate of Xuanjian Pavilion.

The archway of Xuanjian Pavilion is very gorgeous. Two stone swords that are 100 meters in size are placed on both sides, and the archway of dragons and phoenixes is connected in the middle.

Xuanjian Pavilion.

Each sect has its own characteristics.

The Purple Spirit Sect is like the sea, and people who enter it feel like wandering in the sea.

Xuanjian Pavilion's sect aura is much more fierce, ubiquitous sword intent, people have to be alert at all times when they are in it.

But what I have to say is that the younger generation of the entire sect did a lot of sword repair.

At first glance, there are hundreds, almost thousands of people.

Many men and women gathered on the bluestone floor of the huge Zongmen Archway.

Undoubtedly, these are all sword repairs in the sect world, and their costumes are different, but their faces are full of vigorous air.

A conference of this scale, compared to the niche formation exchange conference of the Purple Spirit Sect, is simply more lively.

Look at the group of people in front of the main hall. There were hundreds of people, all of them were disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion.

All he wore was a light blue robe, and every disciple had an air of pride on his face.

It can be said that half of the disciples present are from the Purple Spirit Sect.

The remaining one-third are from the Haotian Sect, Magic Moon Sect, and Bai Yugu, and two-thirds are disciples of other second and third sects.

Undoubtedly, the disciples of the seven sects are all arrogant, relatively speaking, they will look down on those second- and third-rate sects, which is certain.

It is basically open to the world of the whole sect, but I want to choose some talented disciples from hundreds of thousands of people to join Xuanjian Pavilion. This is a way of screening disciples in Xuanjian Pavilion.

On the other hand, there are still some talents outside the world of the sect, and even disciples who are not available to the seven sects. They can use the talents of these disciples in disguise to contribute to their sect.

This means that once you understand the swordsmanship, you must hand over a set of regulations to Xuanjian Pavilion.

Just like Fenghuoshanlin, Xuanjian Pavilion's many powerful swordsmanships are also in the enchantment, and they also require disciples to understand.

Among the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, one of them seemed to attract a lot of attention.

"That person is the Jinsui who ranks first in the inner gate of Xuanjian Pavilion, who is Xiaocheng in the spiritual realm?"

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