Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1592: Are you able to bear this?

The expressions of Jin Sui and others changed drastically.

Killing Xiao Yu, this is naturally what Jin Rui and Cao Yukai are willing to see, but what the Purple Spirit Sect is willing to see.

It's good for Zheng Xu to kill someone with a knife, but you have to know that this is their Xuanjian Pavilion!

If Lu Guobin killed that boy, would they be able to stay out? Don't you be afraid of Xiaoyaomen's anger?

"You don't know, Clear Sky School has always had tooth marks with Xiaoyao Sect. After all, Clear Sky Sect can sit firmly on the throne of the Seven Sect Sects within 20 to 30 years. The outside world has already speculated. The fact that Yu killed Jia Chen and also wiped out the Qu family in Zhongyang Domain, this undoubtedly slapped the Haotian School, the first sect. If Lu Guobin really killed this boy, I dare say , Clear Sky Sect will be famous, all of them are Xiaoyao Sect and they may hurt a bit more."

After hearing this, the disciples of Xuan Jiange suddenly relaxed, all staring at the two people in front of them with the eyes of the theater.

It's good that the Xiaoyao Sect has fallen. Without that sect, even the Haotian Sect would not easily provoke the Xiaoyao Sect. This is also good, but this does not mean that no sect would dare to go to the Xiaoyao Sect.

Don't say that Clear Sky School, Bai Yugu, Fengshimen, and their Profound Sword Pavilion all have this qualification.

They just don't want to kill a thousand enemies, they just hurt themselves eight hundred.

In addition, the position of the Xiaoyao Sect in the Seven Sects is not only to maintain the common stability of the sect world, but also to balance various forces, and to maintain the stability of the space cracks that only the core disciples know. These are the functions of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Taken together, Xiaoyaomen will only linger, and will not really be wiped out.

The best way to let a power destroy them is not to destroy them with their own hands, because this will consume a lot of energy and may even be counterattacked.

The best way is to let him destroy himself from the inside, linger, and only hang on to his death.

In this way, several sects can not only borrow the status of Xiaoyaomen and certain abilities to maintain the world of the sect, but also are not afraid of the rise of Xiaoyaomen.

And those who really want to destroy the Xiaoyao Sect, and replace it, are those powerful second-rate sects.

But the general second-rate sects simply do not have this ability, and only a few second-rate sects that can catch up with the seven sects have a chance.

And that opportunity is the so-called "sect replacement."

Therefore, Zheng Xu and the others are now anxious to take the knife to kill people, so they do it themselves.

Seeing the astonishing murderous intent enveloping him, Xiao Yu was still calm and calm. Faced with this murderous intent and sword aura, Xiao Yu didn't even move at all, showing no signs of interference.

Everyone looked a little dumbfounded, this young man turned a blind eye to it, without any influence?

How is this possible?

Ordinary people, under Lu Guobin's domineering sword intent, may already be on pins and needles, but what about this young man?

Everyone felt a kind of incredible.

Even Lu Guobin was slightly surprised.

Although his sword intent was not released to the maximum, ordinary people couldn't fight against it at all.

Because the pressure of the sword intent he released this time was much stronger than the last time he dealt with Xiao Yu.

But this kid is nothing but the strength of the human spirit realm!

But now?

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's eyes were staring at Lu Guobin, and his eyes, which were as deep as the starry sky, flickered with a flash of light.

"Lu Guobin, are you capable of this? This is the strength of your Heavenly Spirit Realm?"

"what did you say!?"

Lu Guobin's eyes were cold, and his murderous intent was violent again. This kid simply didn't know how high the world was!

Because Lu Guobin didn't really use all his power at all, he was more of a test.

"I said, next time I see you, I will kill you in the future!"


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