Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1598: Yuan Shoubai

In a short while, several figures swept over from a distance, and the head of the person was thin and thin, sipping a kind of imperceptible coldness in the dark eyes.

As soon as this group of people appeared, it was as if several sharp-edged long swords were out of their sheaths, and their astonishingly fierce aura gave many weak people the feeling of retreating three feet.

"Elder Yuan!"

"Good elder!"

The appearance of these five figures immediately made Ling's disciples in Xuanjian Pavilion become respectful.

"Yuan Shoubai!" Chen Yuan saw the figure headed, his eyes were flushed instantly, and his whole body was trembling. He gritted his teeth as if he wished to swallow the person in front of him.

Those disciples of other sects, seeing Chen Yuan's reaction, seemed to react in their hearts.

Even Xiao Yu stared coldly.

Chen Yuan said that the night when his own sect was tragically destroyed, it was in front of Xuanjian Pavilion, and judging from his reaction now, it seems that it was Yuan Shoubai.

Yuan Shoubai stared at Chen Yuan with cold eyes, and even the eyes of the four elders beside him showed a look of surprise.

Several elders knew everything about that year, but at that time, Yuan Shoubai had indeed ruled out the door to destroy Hongyuezong with other casual practitioners.

And you must know that Yuan Shoubai's strength has broken through the three-day realm!

Why choose Yuanshoubai? This question is self-evident, including the disciples of the other sects present, none of them can't guess.

The strength of Hongyue Sect, even the father of Chen Yuan at the time, the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, could resist three powerhouses surpassing the Heavenly Spirit Realm by one person. Isn't this a terrifying strength?

Xiao Yu didn't know what happened back then, but he could imagine that the master who killed Hongyuezong back then was definitely a leader in the sect world.

Of course Xuan Jiange didn't want to take it lightly. If he wanted to solve Hongyue Sect at once, the best way was of course to kill with one blow.

But today, they seem to have taken it lightly.

Yuan Shoubai's eyes were still sipping cold meaning, but on the surface it was indifferent and authentic: "Who am I? I turned out to be the Young Master of Hongyue Sect. It really surprised us to see you here."

Many people showed weird looks on their faces, and Chen Yuan said angrily after hearing this: "Yuan Shoubai, you have to pretend to be confused here! Back then, you couldn't kill me, but I resisted, and I was able to escape. , I practiced hard for ten years, just to find you revenge this year! Do you dare to admit what happened back then!"

The disciples of the other sects present couldn't help taking a breath.

Although they sympathized with Chen Yuan, this is the place of Xuan Yuezong now!

Obviously, Chen Yuan wanted to find the culprit, and immediately made Xuan Jiange pay a certain price at the expense of himself.

But is this really appropriate?

Undoubtedly, the fate of Hongyuezong is worthy of sorrow and sympathy, but to fight Xuanjian Pavilion with one person's power is not only unwise, but also a death.

Yuan Shoubai is still calm and calm, his face is cold.

"Chen Yuan, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Xuanjian Pavilion felt sorry for what happened back then, but if you put this charge on my Xuanjian Pavilion’s head and make trouble in my Xuanjian Pavilion, it would be a little different. That's it." Yuan Shoubo said coldly.

"I'm sorry? Are you still hypocritical here now! You wish that our Hongyue Sect was destroyed! Still full of benevolence, hahaha! Xuanjian Pavilion, this is your face! Sure enough, it is still the same! My father is right. , With your Profound Sword Pavilion’s capacity and disposition, even if you get our Hongyue Sword Technique, you will still not be able to use it! Your Profound Sword Pavilion will still be like this even after a hundred or thousand years have passed!"

"You presumptuous!" A white elder was furious, "Chen Yuan, do you really think we will sympathize with your situation because your Hongyue Sect was destroyed? Insulting my Profound Sword Pavilion, we can kill you at any time! "

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