Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1601: Xiao Yu's Persuasion (Part 2)

Xiao Yu's voice sounded again.

Chen Yuan originally thought that this person who had never met, or even knew him, would agree with and support him, because he felt that the other party had a lot of similarities with him, but he seemed to be wrong.

Chen Yuan sneered in his heart: "You let me calm down and tell me it's not worth it? I originally thought you and I were similar people, but I was disappointed in you. You are no different from them. I don't need yours. Pity and sympathy, whether it is worth it or not, is my own business!"

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "I don't care how you evaluate me. The reason why I persuade you is not to pity you or to sympathize with you. What I want to tell you is that the hatred and hatred in your heart is not comparable to me. You are less."

Chen Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he didn't speak.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and continued to transmit.

"I am sorry about the Hongyue Sect's affairs, but people can't be resurrected from the dead. Your parents, and brothers are reborn, do you think they will agree with your approach?"

Chen Yuan said angrily: "Like you said, all my relatives and friends died tragically, don't I do anything? Do you know that when they died, their eyes were opened? You know how helpless I was at the time ?"

"The grudge must be reported, but not now. With your strength, what can you do besides causing some trouble to Xuanjian Pavilion?"

Chen Yuan roared in his heart: "But I can't wait! I'm suffering every day. When I meditate, my mind is full of scenes of my father and mother being **** bladed. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw what happened back then. . Do you know my pain? Do you know the kind of skin pain? Ten years! For ten years, I have paid countless hours and costs for this, just for today!"

Chen Yuan became more excited and trembling all over.

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, and he said: "I don't understand how you feel, but I also have your mission. When I was born, I was abandoned by my parents. I could not practice for 15 years until I finally could practice. Everyone will put me to death, but I came alive, and step by step to Xiaoyaomen."

"But I found that the higher a person's strength, the danger and responsibility will follow. I have been pursuing my biological parents from the beginning of my practice. I am not afraid of any difficulties, even the greater the danger. Gritting my teeth and sticking to the past, because I know that one day I will do what I want and find the parents who abandoned me. And I know that my strength is not enough, I must continue to cultivate and strengthen myself, and I also know that this road is difficult , But even if it’s difficult, should I give up? If a person doesn’t even have faith or forbearance, how can he talk about revenge, how can he set foot on the pinnacle of cultivation, how can he do what he wants to do?"

Suddenly, Chen Yuan looked at Xiao Yu suddenly, his eyes glowed with endless expression again, and he was actually infected by this young man.

He simply couldn't imagine how much responsibility such a young man bears and how much danger he is facing.

He couldn't even imagine that such a young man under the age of eighteen had that kind of will, tenacity, and mature temperament on him, even he was ashamed of himself.

Xiao Yu turned serious and continued: "You know that you are bound to die today, but if you die, it is nothing more than adding a corpse to the world of the sect. Who will be unworthy for you? Who will pity you? Maybe only Jiuquanzhi Your parents will cry for you. Since your death is worthless, why go to death? You know that you did it in their arms. Such a death is totally meaningless."

Chen Yuan seemed to have calmed down a lot, and he said solemnly: "But, if you kill your father's hatred, you don't share the heavens, what should I do?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath in his heart, and said awe-inspiringly: "If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Accumulate your strengths and keep a low profile!"

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