Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1614: Strange

The few people in front were wearing the clothes of Xuanjian Pavilion. Of the three disciples, the strongest were in the Golden Core Realm, and the other two were in the Real Core Realm.

The Jianbei Mountain is so big that even if a thousand people come in at the same time, it is difficult to meet.

Moreover, there are many stone steles. Xiao Yu alone has been walking for several hours, and he has already encountered no less than ten stone steles.

But there were only a few people he met.

Of course, because the mountain is tapered, in short, the more the mountain is, the smaller the area of ​​the mountain and the greater the chance of encountering people.

Even if you met other people, there was one thing that surprised Xiao Yu.

Those were the three Profound Sword Pavilion disciples not far in front. Xiao Yu felt that there was only a faint aura fluctuation in their bodies. This aura fluctuation was invisibly exuded, not aspirational. breath.

In other words, the three of them did not mobilize their spiritual power to resist this sword aura!

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yu frowned.

If the spiritual power is not urged, even the steel and iron bones, such as Xiao Yu, a person with enchanting flesh, once the sword qi increases, the skin will be cut at the slightest, and the broken into pieces.

As far as the current position halfway through the mountain alone, Xiao Yu guessed that even in the human spirit realm, without urging the heaven and earth spiritual power to resist, even his own body surface would not be able to stand it, let alone those in the four realms of pill formation.

"There is something strange." Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and this judgment was made in his heart.

Xuanjian Pavilion is not a good bird like the Purple Spirit Sect. Although the disciples of other sects have realized swordsmanship and want to give them a copy of Xuanjian Pavilion, Xuanjian Pavilion definitely does not want to give other sect disciples these powerful swords so easily. of.

"I heard from Brother Ji that at the original formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect, the disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect would be told by the elders of the sect what formations were in those secret realms, and which ones could not be easily understood. This can greatly increase the success rate, isn't Xuan Jiange the same?" Xiao Yu thought to himself.

"Xiaolong, do you think it is possible?" Xiao Yu suddenly sneered in his heart.

Although these privileges are not big secrets, it is always uncomfortable to be known.

You said openly that it is open to all sword repairs in the sect world, and what privileges and tricks are you secretly playing now. Although this is partial, in the eyes of outsiders, of course they will sneer.

"Will you play this one for me again? This time, I will see your tricks!"

Then, Xiao Yu turned into an afterimage to keep up.

While hiding his breath, he released his heart and soul to the maximum.

With his realm, it is impossible for a few people in the four realms of Pill Formation to find him.

The three disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion looked proud, as if there was a feeling of graciousness, as if this Wujian meeting was not for Wujian, but for a vacation.

"It's really unlucky. After searching for so long, there is no one suitable." A white-faced teenager sipped, very dissatisfied.

Another tall boy also shook his head and said: "Where is it so easy as you said, the entire Jianbei Mountain, there are more than 300 stone monuments alone, except for the three stone monuments on the top of the mountain, there are only dozens of other real stone monuments. , And many swordsmanship have been acquired by us..."


In the end, the older boy with the national character face quickly signaled the tall boy not to say anything. The tall boy realized that he seemed to have said too much.

The three of them immediately looked around, and they were all white because of their sword energy, and there was no shadow.

All three were relieved.

The oldest national character face boy whispered and blamed: "Are you looking for death? They don't know this secret. If it is leaked out, no one will understand the swordsmanship for us Xuanjian Pavilion!"

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