Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1639: The smoke of Jianbei Mountain

The stone stele was originally the support of Xuanjian Pavilion to open up Jianbei Mountain's barrier.

It can be said that everyone came for the sword technique on the stone tablet.

But they knew very well that almost all of the more than three hundred stone tablets distributed on Jianbei Mountain were in the sword method library of Xuanjian Pavilion.

Back then, the Sect Master of Xuanjian Pavilion did not leave any swordsmanship before he died. If he wanted swordsmanship, he had to enter the sword monument mountain to enlighten himself.

Over time, the sword technique of Jianbei Mountain was naturally collected into the sword technique library of Xuanjian Pavilion.

All magical powers are divided into the fourth rank of Xuanxuan Huang, and almost all the magical swords of the third rank of Earth Profound and Yellow are stored in the sword method library of Xuanjian Pavilion.

But because of this, Xuanjian Pavilion itself possesses many swordsmanship, so why are so many Xuanjian Pavilion disciples participating?

Very simple, because the sword technique left on Jianbei Mountain is almost the highest among its peers, and also the most powerful.

Who doesn't want to obtain higher-rank swordsmanship? Who doesn't want to go to the next level in swordsmanship?

Comprehending the sword monument, unless you can get the sword technique, you can also increase your understanding of the sword technique.

The swordsmanship on the real stone tablets is not something that can be practiced after enlightenment. This is also the reason why almost all Profound Sword Pavilion disciples still choose to enter after hundreds of years.

Because once in five years, the opportunity is rare, and in five years, a person's ability to comprehend swordsmanship can already be improved, so they want to try again.

This is also the reason why those real steles have always been on the sword steles, and no one can understand the success, especially the three sword steles on the top of the mountain, they are the three heavenly swords of the Xuanjian Pavilion.

This kind of swordsmanship rank, unless the genius of the same rank, otherwise it is difficult to comprehend Chen Gong.

It can be said that the sword technique on the stone tablet is, to some extent, a beacon that inspires all the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion.

It is also a means by Xuanjian Pavilion to eradicate more disciples of sword cultivation from other forces.

But now, the stele was destroyed, which was beyond their expectations.

No one has ever dared to destroy the stone tablet on the sword stele, nor has anyone dared to provoke the majesty of Xuanjian Pavilion. At this moment, all the elders were angry.

"It's really the opposite! The sword stele enchantment is over, and none of them can leave! Everyone is going to die!" Hao Liang immediately said angrily.

Obviously, this is ignoring their Profound Sword Pavilion's prestige, this is a provocation to their Profound Sword Pavilion, and this is an insult to their Profound Sword Pavilion!

If it spreads out, these disciples of swordsmanship who do not know the heights of the sky and earth, have even united to kill so many disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, and have seen through their conspiracies, how would the entire sect world treat them?

Just because they killed the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, plus they knew the secret of the Yuqi Talisman, and destroyed the stone tablet, it was impossible for everyone to let it go easily!

Within the video light curtain, scenes are constantly switched, and disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion are constantly being massacred.

Although the numbers of the two sides are the same, the overall strength is not much different, but you must know that the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion are still in the dark!

In other words, the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion did not know that other people had already known the secret of Yuqi Talisman, and even less did they know that they had already united to find the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion and secretly encircled and suppressed!

The disciples of other sect forces are in the dark, and the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion are in the Ming. If this continues, the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion will definitely be unable to support it.

The only thing Xuanjian Pavilion relied on was their powerful swordsmanship in the same level.

Soon, in less than an hour, there were five or six hundred jade slips of life, and now two hundred jade slips were broken.

Yuan Shoubai, Hao Liang and other elders have a canthus.

"Elder Yuan, absolutely can't go on like this! Otherwise, this Sword Enlightenment Conference will be a mess!"

Yuan Shoubai's eyes could burst into flames, murderous, already enveloped the whole room.

"The art of urging the sword soul to transmit sound!"

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