Shura God Emperor

Chapter 169: All chance

With that young man as the center, that kind of murderous aura shrouded in a radius of one hundred meters, and everyone couldn't help being moved.

Is this the so-called artistic conception? Does this person start to comprehend?

That Xiao Sha's aura was very powerful, and it slowly became sharp. In just ten seconds, the people who gathered tens of meters away all retreated to a hundred meters away, looking moved.

"It's amazing! The monarchs of the past generations are estimated to have exceeded the strength of the three realms of foundation construction, right?"

"That's for sure! How long have you not seen it? This kind of swordsmanship is already there, and there is basically no spiritual skill pavilion in the royal family?"

"How could it be possible? This kind of spiritual technique is probably only the royal family's heirs qualified to practice!"

Those royal children all showed a more excited look.

The artistic conception of these spiritual techniques were all cultivated by the monarchs of the past dynasties. They were fortunate enough to be able to come here to see and understand, so they cherish it very much.

Because this is the only opportunity to obtain the same training resources as the royal heirs, although only for one minute.

But who knows that when the time was only thirty seconds, the Xiao killing aura on the black-clothed youth became very rich, and his expression also showed a kind of pain.

Tang Linger frowned and said, "It seems that his limit should be reached."

Xiao Yu nodded, and he also felt that the mood of the black-clothed youth had reached a point of saturation. Obviously, this short tens of seconds benefited him a lot.

But people are often greedy, and when they get what they want, they want more.

Even if it was a hundred meters away, Xiao Yu was engulfed by these escaping moods. He guessed that as long as he was given enough time to cultivate, he would definitely be faster than the second world.

Of course, that is almost impossible, because the boxing stele forest has a time to open and close.

Ten seconds later, the black-clothed youth's face became paler, and his hand on the stone tablet trembled even more.

"This guy, is he going to die?"

Many people held their breath, and it seemed that as long as they didn't let go, the young man in black would be in danger.

But as every second passed, the Xiao Sha aura became even more terrifying, and the area in front of it was like a blade storm.

Others couldn't see it, but Xiao Yu clearly felt it. The air was like a knife, it could cut through human skin.

"It's late." Xiao Yu shook his head slightly and said.

As his voice fell, and at this moment, the air suddenly added a hazy sword-like killing intent.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"


A screaming scream sounded, and the young man in black was strangled to pieces by the raging sword energy.

The sword air mood of the stone tablet disappeared, and it was restored to its original state, but the people watching outside were all restless.

Except for Xiao Yu, Tang Ling'er, and Wei Rongxin, the faces of the others were all pale.

"Forty-six seconds, he...dead..."

Yes, forty-six seconds, that greedy royal boy was strangled to death by the huge artistic conception sword qi, almost in an instant.

so horrible!

Is this the strength of the monarchs of the past? This kind of strength is so powerful that it can instantly kill an elite in the late stage of the aura?

Of course, Wei Rongxin and the three of them looked even more expectant.

"Huh, overwhelming fellow, lack of human heart, this is the end of eating too much, I advise you, if you want to go up, hurry up, and get down if you don’t, don’t waste everyone’s time. He also took his own life." Wei Rongxin snorted coldly.

As royal children, the talents of the three of them are naturally among the best.

The so-called chance, after all, has something to do with talent, and naturally no one of them will surpass them.

The only thing they were afraid of was that kid Xiao Yu.

Soon, someone went up again.

Apart from Xiao Yu, Tang Ling'er, and Wei Rongxin, there are only eight people left.

All the eight people spent about one minute, and the longest time was only one and a half minutes, but because of lessons learned, this was already their limit.

"Hahaha! I broke through! I broke through!"


"Hanling Palm! It turned out to be the lost Palm of the Royal Family! Hahahaha!"


Without exception, those who went up received different degrees of harvest.

It can be seen that these people have gained more or less gains, and they are still very good.

This was an opportunity, and Xiao Yu became even more curious in his heart.

After a while, Wang Min, Li Guibin, and Wei Rongxin also went up to comprehend one after another.

Wang Min and Li Guibin took more than two minutes to reach two and a half minutes. Wei Rongxin went up in the end of the two. His time was the longest, almost three minutes. It can be seen that the strength of the three is almost the same.

At this moment, Wei Rongxin immediately burst into a powerful energy fluctuation...

Those royal children who were still silent in joy all showed envy.

"He also broke through..."

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