Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1707: If there is any blocker, kill without mercy!

To be honest, Xiao Yu had originally planned to find out the extent of this sword technique.

Because it is known as the strongest swordsmanship, rank and attack power are definitely not weak.

In addition, there are some differences between the Tianyi sword technique and the Burning Heart sword technique as well as the breath of the Sky Thirteen Sword.

After Fang Rui told him, Xiao Yu knew that it turned out that one sword technique this day had such a background.

This made him want to practice this sword even more.

After all, this is from a higher plane, and it is a sword technique that even Fang Rui can't fully comprehend!

The most important thing is that if you have comprehended the Tianyi sword technique, you will have a greater chance to fight the Black Cliff Sect. Isn't this what Xiao Yu wants to see?

Of course, it's a long way to say that, at least from the perspective of the present, practicing the Tianyi sword technique is absolutely beneficial and harmless to Xiao Yu's cultivation and strength.

So why would he not do it?

Seeing Xiao Yu meditating, Fang Rui thought that Xiao Yu could not appreciate Heaven's One Sword Technique. After all, after he had told this young man about the Seven Star Ancient Sword, he was afraid that the other party would disagree, so he continued: "Little brother, might as well tell you. , Although the Seven-Star Ancient Sword has recognized the master with you, you also know that the rust has not completely faded away, and you have to completely control the Seven-Star Sword. There is still a long way to go. If I guess correctly, the sword contained in the Seven-Star Sword Fa, you only know one and a half tricks, right?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback. He seemed to understand Fang Rui's thoughts. While a little bit dumbfounded, he admired Fang Rui's eyes even more.

"Senior is right, the rust of the Seven-Star Sword has not completely faded, so strictly speaking, I have not fully mastered the Seven-Star Sword."

This is something Xiao Yu regrets.

Whether it's Xing Taoyue or Star Stabbing, the lethality is too terrifying, but Xiao Yu wants to further understand more and stronger sword styles, it is still relatively difficult for the time being.

Therefore, he wanted to practice the Heavenly Grade Sword Technique, and then cooperate with the Seven Star Sword to show the strongest power that suits him now.

After all, the Seven-Star Sword Sword Style was too difficult to comprehend, and he couldn't stay at this level forever.

After all, as his strength increases, the stronger the opponent he encounters, the sword-like power will become less and less sufficient, so the Heavenly Grade Sword Technique can be used as a transition.

It is like the transition of Xiaoyao Fu as a Shura tactic.

Fang Rui proudly said: "I can tell you clearly that if you succeed in your practice, the Tianyi sword technique combined with the Seven Star Ancient Sword will definitely give you stronger power."

Xiao Yu pondered for a while, looked at Fang Rui, and said, "But senior..."

Fang Rui had a clear heart, and he could see through Xiao Yu's scruples at a glance, and said, "You are worried about the guys outside, right?"

"Yes. The seniors kindly, the juniors should have accepted it, but the hearts of the people are unpredictable. As the strongest swordsmanship of Xuanjian Pavilion, if they know that I have practiced in the past, it will only cause the juniors to kill them."

Fang Rui nodded and said meaningfully and authentically: "From the moment you stepped in here, doesn't it mean that there is no room for turning with them? If I guess it is right, you should be dependent on it."

Older gingers are more spicy!

Xiao Yu was amazed, this Fang Rui was indeed a thousand-year old demon, and he could see through his hole cards at a glance.

"That's the case. If I can escape, Xuanjian Pavilion will definitely be reluctant to resist me, and seniors should also know that when I am in such a situation, can Xuanjian Pavilion let me go? And I have destroyed two yuan. Sword monument."

Fang Rui waved his hand and said awe-inspiringly: "The sword monument I left behind was originally a sword-cultivating genius who wanted to make the world of the whole sect, not just a person of the same sect. The Sword Enlightenment Conference has deteriorated, even though I am The Sect Master opened up the mountain, but how can I indulge my disciples to do whatever they want and kill people!? If this continues, even if they don’t die, they will definitely be greedy for life and fear of death when facing the catastrophe, bowing their heads to their necks, and even facing each other. In this case, why don't you help me clear the door so that they can recognize the truth that there are people outside the sky!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and suddenly, he looked at Fang Rui high, and the respect in his heart became more intense.

Compared with Ou Qing of the Purple Spirit Sect, Fang Rui was awe-inspiring and more upright.

Such an upright person cares about the safety of the sect world, does not favor favoritism, and even kills relatives righteously. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Senior means..."

"If there is anyone who blocks, kill without mercy!" Fang Rui's eyes shrank, as if he had made a big decision.

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