Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1725: Sword Array Massacre

Following Yuan Shoubai's order, his mind moved, and the sword energy in the sky gradually tore the void and fell from the sky, like the sword of judgment, and fell into Xiao Yu's group of people.


In the air, the sword aura of five colors was continuously flashing. When these sword aura routes were assassinated, all of them felt that their pupils shrank, and the sword aura was infinitely enlarged in their own eyes.



The screams suddenly sounded, and the speed of the long sword was too fast. It was almost the time of thunder and lightning. Several disciples had been killed one after another. All of them were pierced through the head and body. With a scream, he fell on top of a pool of blood.

"Go! Kill them!" Zheng Xu and the others were also furious, and he roared, and all the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion rushed out.

"What!?" Chen Yuan's face was bloodless, his face was full of thoughts and silence.

The Five Elements Sword Array is already so terrifying, the sword aura is locked on them, it will not hurt the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, but they even tried to slaughter them in this way.

Yes, the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion had already been stunned. In their opinion, these were the culprits who killed their fellow teachers!

Part of the reason why their Xuanjian Pavilion has fallen to such a realm is that it has something to do with them!

Just ask, how can they let go of these enemies with their own hands!

"Listen, everyone, in any case, even if we die in battle, we will definitely not be able to let them succeed! Even if the jade and stone are burned, we will not hesitate!" Huang Peng suddenly yelled, obviously, he was also caught by the five elements of the sword. The scene was shocked.

They had already regarded death as home, and now it was just postponing their death.

Since they are all dead, why wait for death instead of taking up the weapons in your hand and burning them with Xuanjian Pavilion and others?


Huang Peng and others all rushed over, Zheng Xu led the team there, countless sword auras, all of them spared no effort to urge the strongest killer move, trying to kill the other party.


At the same time, the Five Elements Sword Array in the sky continued to fall with murderous sword energy, and every time it fell, it would surely take a life.


The screams of screams and fighting suddenly sounded, but after only a few minutes, hundreds of disciples with the strength of the second and third sects almost died.

The blood ran to the ground, the head was in a different place, and the corpse was a hundred meters away.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu's eyes were all red.

These disciples, facing the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion and the Five Elements Sword Formation, were like grass mustard without the power to bind a chicken, allowing them to be judged and slaughtered without the slightest strength to fight back.

But they still waved their long swords to resist the enemy, even if they died.

These are human lives! These are the hopes for the future of the sect world!

But now, because of Xiao Yu, they have suffered such a tragic torture!

Xiao Yu's eyes were filled with fierceness for a moment, and his whole body trembled violently.

The red color of blood in front of him, the screams of life and death struggles, and the shouts of exhaustion were all shocking Xiao Yu's mind.


Chen Yuan was holding a Feihong Sword and suddenly cut off a long sword that had been assassinated, but because he was seriously injured, his arm numb, and he was shocked to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"This sword aura has at least a full blow from the Heavenly Spirit Realm! These bastards!!!" Chen Yuan trembled.

Even a master of his heavenly spirit realm is so strenuous, not to mention those sword cultivators who are almost all in the four realms of pill formation!

Seeing the falling silhouettes, Chen Yuan felt completely silent.

The Clear Sky School, White Jade Valley and Huan Yue Zong over there, although this is a grudge between outsiders and Xuanjian Pavilion, even disciples with stone-hearted sects such as Clear Sky School and White Jade Valley cannot bear to see this scene.

In the face of Tiangong's trial, all the power of binding chickens seemed too small.

Human life is like grass, and ants should kill themselves. This may also be life.

And they finally understood how terrifying the Great Mountain Protection Formation was.

And this is just a small guardian formation! What if it is a real guardian formation?

However, there was one person who had already brewed endless killing intent.

"Xuan Jiange! You are deceiving too much!!!"

A thunderous anger spread across the sky and the earth, Xiao Yu's Seven Star Sword burst with brilliant brilliance, he suddenly raised his head, looking up at the heaven in a posture of wanting to compare with the gods, the Seven Star Sword suddenly pointed at the void, and a touch of sword energy rose into the sky. , Pierced the Five Elements Sword Formation, disturbed a cloud, and pierced the sky.

The sword can shake the sky and break through all kinds of magic!

"Break it for me!!!"

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