Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1738: Meet the Demon Repairer (Part 1)

Gan Ning's expression suddenly changed. Suddenly, he turned his head back and forth, only to see two men in the Fukagawa cloak appeared in front of him.

The man on the left is tall, with a cold face, and exudes an extremely dark and obscure aura, as if he is in an abyssal gorge, making it impossible to live broadcast or get out.

The person on the right has a square face, dark skin, and edges and corners, and a kind of killing air spreads, as if he has experienced life and death.

Seeing these two people, Gan Ning couldn't help whitening his face. When they arrived, he didn't even feel anything!

This is not what surprised him the most, just because he has had more than a few big dealings with these two people.

But if it were in the past, I can still sense their aura for the time being, and I am confident that it can be suppressed, but this time it is completely different.

In other words, the strength of these two people has increased again! Has surpassed him!

But in any case, dealing with these two people, or dealing with these people, cannot be taken lightly.

Just because of these people, they are the number one enemy of the sect world.

Gan Ning stepped aside, and the two of them walked a few meters behind Cui Yuan.

Cui Yuan still didn't look back, looking far ahead, seemingly thoughtful.

Seeing Cui Yuan, the man on the right seemed to ignore them, his expression stunned, he seemed to want to take a step, but was stopped by the tall man.

The tall man motioned him not to speak and let himself come.

"Humph!" The angular man snorted coldly, but did not speak.

In his opinion, although they took the initiative to talk to Cui Yuan, Cui Yuan's superior posture really made him unhappy.

He himself, one of his comrades had already died before, and they were not in a good mood, and now they still suffer from this person's face?

Although Clear Sky School is the first sect in the world, the two of them are not afraid.

No matter how powerful your Haotian School is, you can't cover the sky with one hand! Even without you, our plan can be successful!

The tall man stepped forward and said indifferently: "Elder Cui, we understand your feelings. The reason we found you is because we have a common enemy, and I think we have the same idea now, that is to get rid of that kid, Endangered."

Cui Yuan finally turned around and stared at these two people, especially the tall man at the head, coldly said: "Do you understand my mood? You are just a group of rats living in the dark, our Haotian Sect is dead. He is a **** pattern awakened, a true disciple, how can you compare with our Clear Sky School?"

The tall man frowned, but the man next to him couldn't help but furiously said: "Cui Yuan! What do you mean by this? Your Vast Sky Sect is a human, but our demons are not human? Your disciple His skills are inferior to human beings, he is arrogant, and he was killed at Jianbei Mountain.

Gan Ning couldn't help being angry, and said, "Xidong! What do you mean by this? You mean, Guobin's death, is he deserved it?"

"Isn't it? You hold the head of the seven sects, and you do everything, but you have never thought that the kid who was calculated by you has grown into your heart?" Xidong sneered.

At this time, Cui Yuan's eyes flashed a gloomy color, and he said coldly, "Guobin's death is mostly due to him, but how much better are you? You are too proud of yourself and don't stop us? Isn't it also self-defeating to kill?"

"what did you say!?"

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