Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1740: Qi Fu's Plan (Part 1)

What I have to say is that Qi Fu is really foresight, and his mind, tolerance, and city government are extremely deep.

He deeply understands the status of the three disciples who died in the Haotian School, and he also understands Cui Yuan's mood at this time.

But they also died as a general. He knew very well that their status was not worth mentioning in the Clear Sky School or the entire sect world, and even the rats crossing the street were like everyone shouting and beating. .

But there is no way, he must swallow his anger, not be able to get angry.

Because only by relying on their power, their demonic cultivators can see the sky again and rise.

Therefore, even if he received all kinds of insults and contempt, Qi Fu still endured it.

As he said, in order to get things done, you must be forbearing before you can make big things.

Xidong next to it naturally didn't think so.

The death of Ibo was a big blow to them. After all, they had been together for so many years, but it was because of the kid who appeared suddenly that one of them was missing.

It seems that one number is missing, but in fact the impact is great, because there are not many people.

It's better now, your Haotianzong dies, you Cui Yuan can vent your anger on us, why do we have to accept it?

But he also understood that Qi Fu said a lot, they were not enemies, and there was no need to frustrate Cui Yuan.

Cui Yuan was also calmer, but his face was still very gloomy.

"You have been dormant for so long, it's time to create a little trouble for Xiaoyaomen." Cui Yuan said.

Gan Ning was shocked. He was waiting for Cui Yuan to tell his plan. Is it finally coming?

Xidong sneered: "You also know that we have been dormant for so long. Do you make trouble if you say that it causes trouble? You want us to be the first bird, and then let you watch it? Where is such a good thing?"

"Xidong!" Qi Fu frowned and motioned to him not to speak.

Xidong stared coldly and stopped talking.

Cui Yuan said solemnly: "You also said that you have been dormant for so long, are you not afraid that we unite with the sect world will drive you to death? Don't think I don't know what you are doing."

Qi Fu seemed to be smiling but not smiling, indifferent and indifferent: "Elder Cui, do you threaten me to wait?"

"Naturally not, I am willing to see you today, isn't it because you have the same ideas as me? Didn't you look for me after seeing the Wujian Conference event and preparing to act?" Cui Yuan's clothes sneered. Posture, nodded and said.

"Haha! Elder Cui's heart is like a mirror!" Qi Fu narrowed his eyes, and his fear of the old fox Cui Yuan deepened.

For a long time, they had wanted to meet with Cui Yuan. After all, Cui Yuan was a bridge connecting the outside world and the Clear Sky School. He had great power, many connections, and controlled all the operations of the Clear Sky School.

If they want to succeed, they must use Cui Yuan's power.

However, Cui Yuan has always looked down upon them, as they are dispensable, even as chess pieces.

That kind of specious relationship has continued to the present.

After all, Qi Fu and the others also understand the sensitivity of their cultivator status. Cui Yuan doesn't want to have too much intersection with them, but they can't let go of the power of the net they cast in the sect world.

After all, it is a relationship of utilization.

Qi Fu knew it well, but didn't care at all.

Just because he understood that Clear Sky School would definitely be useful to them in the future.

As long as they are useful, their cooperation with Clear Sky School will be further deepened, and this time, it is an opportunity.

They knew that Lu Guobin was killed in Xuanjian Pavilion, and they also knew that Xuanjian Pavilion's Wujian Conference had such a big drama. Of course Qi Fu knew that this was a great opportunity.

Sure enough, after asking to know this time, Cui Yuan was really willing to see them. This was the result of a close match between what they wanted in their hearts.

That being the case, Qi Fu naturally can't cause conflicts just because of the quarrel just now.

Why didn't Cui Yuan know that he wanted to use the power of this group of people, so he couldn't be too aggressive and superior.

There are many things that Clear Sky School cannot do by themselves, but they can kill people with a knife.

Cui Yuan took a deep breath and said, "What are your plans?"

Qi Fu then said his plan...

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