Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1745: Zhao Xin's State of Mind (Part 2)

Elder Gu said: "A few days ago, a disciple sent back news that those disciples of the second- and third-rate forces slaughtered by Xuanjian Pavilion had gathered to fight Xuanjian Pavilion. I expected that they would return without success. I didn't expect it to come true. "

Zhao Xin nodded when she heard the words, and said: "Although the seven sects are not united within, the Thousand Years End Aggregate cannot be deprived of them in one dynasty, and I have heard from Sect Master that the strength of Xuanjian Pavilion was only under the Xiaoyao Sect a thousand years ago, which is a thousand years After that great battle, Xuanjian Pavilion declined."

"Yes, the Xuanjian Pavilion tree has deep roots and cannot be shaken so easily. The ancient book records that the Sect Master Fang's power of the sword reached the sky completely, but his Tianyi sword technique was not fully understood. And Sect Master Chen was shocked. Yan, the power of one person alone takes the lead, and the Black Cliff Sect retreats because of this."

Thinking of what happened thousands of years ago, Elder Gu couldn't help but wonder.

"It's a pity that the glory of a thousand years cannot be repeated so easily. With the current situation of the various sects, it is almost impossible to produce another thousand-year genius." Elder Gu said regretfully.

Thousands of years ago, even though he was reluctantly and the Black Cliff Sect suffered both losses, one can imagine how strong the overall strength of the entire plane was at that time.

Comparing the current sect world again, it is simply not the same.

Although Zhao Xin didn't say anything, deep down in her heart, there seemed to be a kind of sprouting flame about to burn vigorously.

After the baptism of the sect, her temperament, talent, and strength have reached a height that has never been high.

She is like a phoenix on a parasol tree or a fairy in the clouds. She is transcendent and has a superb temperament, but no one knows that Zhao Xin's seemingly indifferent temperament actually hides a powerful heart to win.

She entered the sect from the Chenbei Dynasty, and no one knew the difficulties she had experienced.

Although she had abandoned her birth a long time ago, invisibly, her desire to become stronger has not diminished in a day.

It is said that the higher you stand, the farther you can see. Her gaze is not only on this plane, but on a higher plane.

The seemingly refined and ordinary woman is actually a state of mind yearning for a bigger stage.

Because in her opinion, there is not much in the world of Zongmen that is worthy of her nostalgia.

Although she is not the strongest now, she knows that it will not be long before she can be promoted to the top position in the world of Zongmen. At that time, what else is worth her nostalgia?


However, as far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xin can't leave here, nor can he leave here.

She has not reached the apex of her own strength, and the sect world is also in a big crisis, so she does not allow anyone to disrupt the order of the sect world.

Because she knows very well that the more chaotic the sect world, the less likely it is for her to realize her ideas, or even break them.

She can't be let this happen, then she has one thing to do, which is to become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can you have the ability to change what you think.

Elder Gu glanced at Zhao Xin, but did not speak.

Zhao Xin remained calm and calm, but the person who knew Zhao Xin's character best was Elder Gu.

In his opinion, Zhao Xin is like a fallen mortal fairy, eager to one day be able to fly for nine days to go to her suitable stage instead of staying in this place.

In his opinion, Zhao Xin seemed to have eyes on everything, overlooking the entire sect world, as if indifferent to everything, but in fact, her eyes had already seen through the entire sect world.

The reason why she was so calm and quiet was because there were very few things in the sect world, or people were enough to touch her calm state of mind.

When it comes to major events, the catastrophe he fortunes does not know when it will happen is one.

If you take turns, perhaps Jiang Tianyu can barely count as one, but Elder Gu can really affect Zhao Xin's character at a glance, and Zhao Xin does not show it, then there is only one person, and that is Xiao Yu.

It's just because Xiao Yu caused all these things recently.

Zhao Xin's state of mind seems to be as calm as water, but in reality, there are already ripples under the lake.

"Xuanjian Pavilion has not moved in the past few days, and even the Clear Sky Sect has not moved. Obviously Xuanjian Pavilion chose to forbear for the time being. From the elder's point of view, what about the Clear Sky Sect?"

Elder Gu took a deep breath and said: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! The Haotian Sect has not moved in the past few days. In my opinion, the slow is the Seven Sect Trial Conference, and the faster it will be in the near future."

Zhao Xin got up and said, "Elder Gu, I'll take care of things in the valley. I'll go down the mountain."

Looking at the back, Elder Gu sighed--

"I hope it will not develop to the worst situation."

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