Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1750: Zongmen Replacement Conference (Part 1)

Xiao Yu opened his hand and it was the jade slip that Han Yi gave him. As long as it was crushed, Han Yi and the others would receive news and they could rush to rescue Xiao Yu.

This jade slip was given by Han Yi to Xiao Yu before he went to Hundred Medicine Valley to prevent Xiao Yu's life from being in danger.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu used the Heavenly Wood God Array to disrupt the space barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley.

And Xiao Yu also knew that, in terms of true combat effectiveness, Xiao Yu had lost to the Hundred Medicine Valley's attack formation.

One of the reasons why Xiao Yu was so determined and careless about his own life and death when he participated in the Wu Jian Conference was naturally because of his confidence in his own strength and his belief in the future.

Of course, the biggest reason was that Xiao Yu was dependent on it.

Yes, this is the jade slip.

The reason why Xiao Yu dared to fight the entire Xuanjian Pavilion, and knew that the danger of being killed by Yuan Shoubai and others after the Jianbei Mountain barrier was closed, still destroyed the Burning Heart Sword and Thirteen Swords in the Sky. The sword monument, the greatest backing and the greatest background to him, was the jade slip.

Xiao Yu knew, knowing that he would crush the jade slip, Han Yi and the others would come to rescue him.

But Xiao Yu always didn't like to use external force, so he had to wait until the moment of life and death, otherwise it would be impossible for him to use external force.

It was like the sachet Tang Linger gave him before he left, Xiao Yu still can't bear to use it.

Of course, one of the reasons is because the sachet represents a kind of longing, and it is gone after use.

The Wen Zhan people immediately relaxed.

Yes, since they were true disciples, although they couldn't give Xiao Yu the best, but Xiao Yu encountered danger and tried his best to rescue them. They could still do it.

Suddenly, Yin Bai was silent for a while, and asked, "Xiao Yu, you mean to go to the Southern Clouds in five months?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "Yes, less than five months later, it is almost their sacrificial meeting."

Wen Zhan and the three of them seemed to think of something, and said, "Five months later, isn't it the Zong Sect's replacement meeting?"

Xiao Yu felt a little surprised. This was something he didn't expect. Before, his attention had always been on what he wanted to do, so he didn't pay attention to this replacement meeting.

As for the replacement meeting of the sect, he had already heard of it.

Yin Bai glanced at Xiao Yu and explained, "You shouldn't know? This replacement meeting is compared to the formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect, the sword comprehension meeting of Xuanjian Pavilion, or the biggest trial of the Seven Sects. It's not a big deal, but for the Seven Sects, it is more important."

It turns out that this seven sect replacement conference has existed for a long time. For the seven sects, they may not care too much, but for those second-rate sect forces, it has a different meaning.

The so-called replacement meeting is naturally to replace the position of Qizongmen, but this position is not the position of Qizongmen, but the position of Shanmen.

After all, the seven sects have existed for thousands of years, and their background is very powerful. It does not mean that they can be replaced.

It can be said that the status of the seven sects in the world of sects cannot be shaken by any second-rate sect force.

But why is there such a phenomenon of changing the position of the sect?

The reason is very simple. The replacement conference is not a conference to measure the overall strength of a sect. It is only because the upper-level powerhouses of the sect, such as the elders and the sect master, cannot participate in the battle.

Because the replacement meeting is a challenge between disciples.

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