Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1465: stumbling block

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, Zhao Xin's expression became gloomy, and she stopped speaking.

Xiao Yu was very clear in his heart, because besides the Magic Moon Sect, the other sects already wanted to put himself to death.

It can be said that what I influence is not only the comprehensive strength within these sects, but also the overall connection and overall strength of the seven sects.

If this continues, the overall strength of the seven sects will definitely decline again, which will affect the entire sect world.

If the Black Cliff Sect invades again at this time, isn't the world of the sect even more invincible?

If the world of the sect is invaded by the world of Black Cliff, then Zhao Xin, the future lord of the Magic Moon Sect, will not be able to inherit.

Furthermore, in Xiao Yu's view, Zhao Xin's heart is as quiet as water, but this woman's ambition and vision are no longer comparable to mortals.

From the time when the Purple Spirit Sect saw Zhao Xin again, this kind of pretentious attitude, as if he could see the future, Xiao Yu knew that Zhao Xin’s vision, like himself, had already broken away from this dimension and had gone. More distant status.

Yes, this woman is also a person who pursues higher strength.

It just didn't show up.

"Why? I was right. There is nothing to say, right? It's because of this that you came to me, right?" Xiao Yu shook his head again and sneered.

Seeing Zhao Xin's reaction, he started to laugh at himself.

What caring about one's life and death is for the sake of an acquaintance, before Zhao Xin's own ambitions, seemed too insignificant.

Zhao Xin is no longer the Zhao Xin he knew.

After a long while, Zhao Xin finally spoke, staring at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, the road to cultivation is very long. There are some realms that are not so simple as you see, but you don't know. Even if you are full of passion, but To a certain extent, there is only one word of bravery on the chest, it is impossible for you to go further."


Xiao Yu's heart was burning with anger.

"Zhao Xin! Don't talk to me in this manner, what do you think is really what you think it is?"

Is this advice to yourself, or is it a suggestion to yourself?

No, this is a kind of condescending, admonishing myself with a predecessor, superior, looking down attitude——

This world is so big that you can't imagine it, you are nothing but a frog at the bottom of the well!

But is this really the case?

the answer is negative.

With the current state of mind, vision, talent, and potential, Zhao Xin can indeed see you farther and have greater goals, but don't forget that Xiao Yu is not an ordinary so-called genius.

From the time when Xiao Yu was born, he knew how to gradually come into contact with more, higher and stronger cognitions. He asked himself, Zhao Xin said these things, he had already known.

It's like a classmate ridiculing his ignorance in front of his known realm. How could this not make Xiao Yu angry?

Of course, he was angry, but he did not speak.

Only he knows his own path of cultivation, and nothing others say can affect him.

Zhao Xin despised herself and regarded herself as a frog at the bottom of the well. Why didn't she treat each other in this manner?

Xiao Yusen let out a sigh of relief and slowly calmed down the anger in his heart.

He hasn't been so angry and turbulent for a long time. The most important thing in cultivation is to cultivate his mind. If Zhao Xin's few words disturbed Xiao Yu's mind and mind, it would not be worth it.

Xiao Yu's eyes returned to the cold color, and he said coldly, "If you finish speaking, you can go."

Zhao Xin's eyes waved again, but this time, Zhao Xin became even colder, and even looked down.

"I have already said what I should say. Don't blame me for not reminding you. I am trying to get acquainted. I don't want to see you killed. But if you still don't understand, I will do it myself."

Zhao Xin's eyes gradually became cold, and she said coldly as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. That kind of indifference was a gesture of treating human life like weeds.

"It's good."

Zhao Xin left a word, and her figure jumped, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the sky.

Seeing the fluttering figure, Xiao Yu's eyes shot out two cold rays, and then he returned to peace, muttering to himself——

"Zhao Xin, you are afraid that I will become your stumbling block, but how do you know that all of you are not my stepping stone..."

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