Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1773: Induction of the Holy Mountain

That night, Xiao Yu entered the Conjuration Sect and moved in.

Although he did not focus all of his attention on the entire sect, Xiao Yu clearly felt that more and more powerful auras gathered in this sect.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yu came out of the second world only because he couldn't calm down.

He has now come to the conjuration school, which can be said to be a helpless existence.

Zhang Shengxiang has always been from the Southern Cloud Region. He only serves as a guide, and he has almost nothing to do when he comes here.

Because Xiao Yu did not expect Zhang Shengxiang to betray the Southern Cloud Region.

Why do you say that?

Just because of the purpose of Xiao Yu's trip, but what they call a holy mountain!

"According to Zhang Shengxiang, the holy mountain is only sacrificed once a year, and a large number of people are sent in for baptism every time. Only when the baptism is successful can you obtain the power of the fire spirit and obtain the fire control spirit. That's why the sacrificial meeting will be like this. grand."

"But things are probably not that simple. There is a fire monster living in the holy mountain, and not many people seem to know the specific situation."

For some reason, Xiao Yu vaguely felt that the so-called holy mountain and the so-called fire-attribute monsters must be related.

The sacred mountain was formed by the burning of a flame that had fallen from the sky many years ago, so there would definitely not be any monsters with fire attributes before.

"What kind of trick is this Meng Hufa playing? He must be interested in the burning energy in my body, so in other words, he wants me to enter the holy mountain?"

"But what can you do when you enter the holy mountain?"

This is the question that always arises on Xiao Yu Lu.

There are still three days to go to the Sacrifice Conference in the Southern Cloud Region. The more he thinks like this, the more anxious he wants to know the answer.

After being puzzled, Xiao Yu sighed lightly: "Forget it, since it's here, don't worry about the three days."

I don't know what's wrong, maybe it's uneasy. After coming here, Xiao Yu's eager mood has become much stronger.

Maybe it was because of the innumerable fire-type restless energy surging in the air.

Perhaps it was because the last piece of parchment fell on the holy mountain.

Xiao Yu didn't know, he only knew that even though Meng Lin's purpose was not to want Xiao Yu to enter the holy mountain, Xiao Yu would definitely want to find out.

Just when Xiao Yu was about to dispel this idea, and went into retreat for three days, suddenly, Xiao Yu's soul trembled.


Xiao Yu froze his body, and then his figure swept over the roof, overlooking the huge mountain that seemed to be as high as a kilometer in the distance.

At this time, the surface of the entire holy mountain, more than half of the mountainside, was already covered with a layer of fiery red light, especially when illuminated by the silver glow.

This fiery red mist appeared on the top of the mountain during the day, but now it has more than half.

And just now, Xiao Yu actually sensed that there seemed to be a sense at the top of the mountain, which was actually connected to the two pieces of parchment in his mind!

At this time, the two pieces of parchment in Xiao Yu's mind had merged together, burning a fiery red light.

And Xiao Yu unexpectedly sensed that the aura that he had sensed just now contained a kind of anger.

"how is this possible!?"

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised. The whereabouts of the third piece of parchment, or the third part of Burning Fire, turned out to be alive?

Right on the holy mountain.

"Could it be..."

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