Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1779: Qiao Wei

The first thing that catches your eyes is a goose-yellow gown and gauze skirt, which sets off this woman's proud and slender figure.

The woman's appearance is very delicate, and her face with big palms shows a kind of foreign temperament inside.

Although the bright eyes did not carry an amorous posture, there was a kind of sharpness in the narrow eyes.

The woman seemed to be only twenty years old, but she carried a kind of mature charm of the lady next door in it.

"Are you Xiao Yu?" The eyes of the woman in the yellow dress flashed sharply.

In a short time, her entire temperament changed, becoming more gloomy and cold, and the entire hall seemed to be enveloped by a solidified atmosphere.

Peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Of course, Xiao Yu was not afraid of this kind of strength, but it was the strong and subtle aura contained in this woman that attracted her.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "I am Xiao Yu, I don't know why the girl is looking for me?"

Wu Hufa opened his mouth and said: "This is the daughter of the sovereign, whose name is Qiao Wei."

Xiao Yu glanced at Qiao Wei again, and said, "Miss Qiao, if I guess correctly, you are looking for me tonight? I don't know what's the matter?"

Qiao Wei walked over step by step, with an elegant posture, and every step she took had a dignified atmosphere, showing an unrestrained attitude.

Qiao Wei deliberately or unintentionally said: "The outside world is telling you that Xiao Yu is brave, brave, and talented. When I saw it today, it really wasn't an ordinary person."

Qiao Wei's long and narrow eyes throbbed when she looked at the boy who was neither humble nor humble.

They all say that seeing is better than hearing, and the story of the teenager opposite has already been passed to their ears.

But as soon as I saw him today, the young man with such a composure and extraordinary disposition did not disappoint him.

"Miss Qiao laughed. It's a vulgar person, not enough. I'm surprised that what are you looking for me for?"

Wu Hufa took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Yu, and said solemnly: "When you left the door, I already followed you in the distance. I just didn't expect you to go to the Holy Mountain."

"Xiao Yu, what exactly is Meng Linzhi looking for? And why are you going to the Holy Mountain!?"

It is said that a woman's face changes faster than turning a book, and this is true.

This woman named Qiao Wei changed her face when she said that she changed her face, her face suddenly became awe-inspiring, she looked directly at Xiao Yu's eyes, as if she wanted to see through this young man.

Just kidding, Xiao Yu is no longer a kid. How could he be frightened by such a woman if he has never seen such a big scene?

With his hands on his back, he said indifferently: "This is how you treat guests? Are you inviting me or treating me as a criminal? If you are going to cooperate with me to deal with Meng Linzhi, then please put away your posture, Don’t talk to me in this tone."

what! ?

Qiao Wei and Wu Hufa's faces were suddenly moved.

This boy is really not easy!

He actually knew our purpose for looking for him!

Wu Hufa was even more amazed. He knew that this young man did not come to their southern cloud region for half a day, but he was able to analyze and think of so many and deep things from the scene just now. This is definitely not an ordinary young man. what!

But when they thought about it, their expressions were moved.

"You came here, the purpose is really not pure!" Qiao Wei stared at Xiao Yu.

"Hehe, everyone in the world knows that the Southern Cloud Territory can only enter and not exit. If it is not a special matter, how can I easily enter? Shouldn't you think of this before you find me?"

Qiao Wei took a deep breath, she put away the oppressive aura on her body, but her eyes changed when she saw the boy, and she became admired.

"Xiao Yu, you are really smart! How much do you know about us?"

"I don't know anything, so this is my purpose here."

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