Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1786: Contradiction between priest and suzerain

If you don't listen, I don't know, when I heard it, the interior of the Southern Cloud Region was so chaotic, and it was so uneven.

It turned out that the priest of the Southern Cloud Region and the Sect Master of the Magic Sect, that is, Qiao Wei's father, had always been separated because of their disagreements.

Shufazong is the only sect in the Southern Cloud Region, just like the royal family in the Chenbei Dynasty.

It can be said that the existence of the Magic School is almost a kind of force formed by gathering all the powerful and talented people in the entire Southern Cloud Region.

Naturally, the conjuration school is to protect the southern cloud region as its mission.

Therefore, Qiao Ming, the suzerain of the Conjuration School, is the person with the highest status and strength in the entire Southern Cloud Region.

However, outside of the Conjuration School, it is the priest who manages the affairs of the entire Southern Cloud Region.

The existence of priests called "guardians of the holy mountain" is an intermediary who teaches the will of the **** of fire, and is considered by the entire Southern Cloud Region as a messenger of the gods.

Therefore, the existence of the priest, on the surface, the status of the priest is second only to the strongest Sect Master Qiao Ming, but in fact, in a sense, the position of the priest is above the southern cloud. Existence above all.

Because of this, the priest and Qiao Ming had some differences in opinions.

These differences were not caused by the struggle between power and strength, but about the future of the Southern Cloud Region.

The Southern Cloud Region has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. It is an ancient and closed tribal region.

For thousands of years, the Southern Cloud Region also experienced invasions and wars from foreigners in the early morning, and finally was able to unite and grow to such a degree.

In this plane of thirty-six small worlds called Zongmen World, everyone said that the Southern Cloud Region was self-proclaimed, and apart from the seven sects, no power dared to provoke them.

But more is a gesture of rejection.

The reason for saying this is because the Southern Cloud Region has always been considered a group of "barbaric powerhouses."

Even if they couldn't beat them, and were even deterred by the power of the Southern Clouds, they still looked down on the Southern Clouds.

The biggest reason is naturally the powerful spiritual technique that Southern Cloud Region has comprehended for thousands of years.

And the Southern Cloud Territory is located in a high mountain. The people living in the Southern Cloud Territory are even worse than the dynasty that can be overthrown and destroyed in their eyes.

The so-called outstanding people, the Southern Cloud Territory has been able to support them to the present, and it is naturally the existence of spiritual law that supports them, but the poor living conditions of the entire Southern Cloud Territory have led to fewer and fewer talented disciples.

Therefore, the people in power and priests speculate that although the Southern Cloud Region can continue to be passed on like this, the decline and decline of the clan is inevitable.

There will be fewer and fewer genius children with talent potential, and fewer and fewer people can support the Southern Cloud Region.

Because, no matter the world of nine heavens or the world of thirty six small heavens, from ancient times to the present, the fist is supreme and strength is the respect.

Therefore, this makes those ambitious people in the Southern Cloud Region want to open up their territory and get out of this region.

And the central residence of the sect world, that is, the area surrounded by the seven sects, which is rich in spiritual power and rich in cultivation resources, has entered their eyes.

In fact, the Southern Cloud Region is located in the southeast, but because the location is too remote. Even though the Southern Cloud Region is very large, it is difficult and rare to find the talented people.

The first, second and third sect forces in the sect world are afraid of the Southern Cloud Region and will not easily provoke the Southern Cloud Region, but how do they know that, in fact, as early as hundreds of years ago, the Southern Cloud Region had been against the Qi Zongmen hinterland The location is salivating.

However, the strength of the seven sects is not only known to them, but also to the entire sect world.

And obviously, the appetite of the Southern Cloud Region is too big, so big that they can't even look down on the mountain gates of those second-rate sects.

But this idea was opposed by Qiao Min, the master of the spell.

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