Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1792: The youngest priest, Batu

At the same time as the powerful breath swept out, the entire cage shook.

Even the earth was shaking.

But soon, screams came from inside the cage.


A painful voice came out of the cage, and then all the breath fluctuating like tides retreated back.

At the same time, inside the cage, there was a painful cry, and the sound of breathing like a cow panting.

The locked figure was lying directly on the ground, under the shadow, a figure trembling and curled up could be seen.

The two people continued to walk towards the place of the cage, and finally they could see the faces of the two people clearly through the faint sunlight.

One of them turned out to be Meng Linzhi, and the person next to him was a tight-fitting white robe with many black stripes inlaid with gold on it.

This man looked like he was in his twenties, with a sickly white face, and even the blue veins on his face were clearly seen.

Seeing this face is like seeing the impermanence coming up from the Yin Cao Jifu.

But it is undeniable that although this face is full of gloom, it has a white color.

If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely be surprised, because Meng Linzhi lowered his head slightly with a respectful attitude at this time, and there was no such arrogant attitude as the head of the three major law protectors.

And the entire Southern Cloud Region knew this young man in white. This man was the priest of the Southern Cloud Region, Batu.

Almost all priests in the Southern Cloud Region have inherited a system of inheritance. The children of the priests are the first heirs.

When these priests inherited, they basically had to wait until the previous priest sat down to be eligible, but at that time they were almost 30 or 40 years old.

But Batu’s father was different. He was old enough to have a son, and tried his best to cultivate Batu as an heir. He stood out among the many people and succeeded in inheriting the mantle of his father.

It can be said that the priest in his twenties is the youngest in the history of the Southern Cloud Region.

As for the priest, although he can gradually strengthen himself by relying on the reputation of the previous priest, there is a process.

And this process, even some priests could not make the entire Southern Cloud Region surrender for a lifetime.

Although the status of the priest is high, if it is incapable or has not made a contribution to the Southern Cloud Region, it will not be able to truly make all the people surrender if it is above the reputation.

But Batu is different. He has been in office for five years and has already convinced the entire Southern Cloud Region to trust him, and he even has a large number of masters standing on his side to fight against Qiao Min.

This has never happened in the Southern Cloud Region.

Because the priest does not have the ability to practice cultivation, his main responsibility is to preside over the ceremony at the sacrifice meeting.

Although they were messengers of the gods, to put it bluntly, those people just feared the gods.

Because in the final analysis, priests are just ordinary people, just given the right of a messenger.

Therefore, everything that Batu has now and everything he has done is beyond the existence of all priests in the past.

Even the protector of the Conjuration School must treat him respectfully, which is definitely an incredible existence in outsiders' cognition of the Southern Cloud Region.

"Sect Master, there is no need to resist. This cage is specially designed for you. The more you resist, the more your power will be swallowed. At the same time, your life will be closer to death. Why bother?" Batu said lightly. In the words, indifferent colors emerge spontaneously.

Yes, the person in the cage is surprisingly the master of the Conjuration Sect, Qiao Ming!

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