Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1807: Seed of Fire Spirit (middle)

Xiao Yu certainly knew that Gao Hong was a protector of Meng. Gao Hong reminded himself that he was actually afraid of losing his life here at Huoling Mountain.

And the more Gao Hong exhorted, the more Xiao Yu felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Yu asked indifferently, "If we are not recognized by the Fire Spirit Beast, will it kill us?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at Gao Hong.

To be honest, how could they not know the question Xiao Yu asked?

After all, no one has successfully baptized in ten years!

If there is no baptism, isn't it just being killed by the fire spirit beast?

Gao Hong glanced at all the young people coldly, and shouted coldly: "Which of our people in the Southern Clouds is the one who is greedy for life and fear of death! Now that I know, why bother to ask! Back then, I was also on the sacred mountain. Only after experiencing life and death did you have today's strength? If you are citizens of the Southern Cloud Region, then muster your courage!"

"Yes! Gaodutong!"

When Gao Hong said something, it was as if they had been beaten with blood, and all the disciples' eyes were filled with a deep and firm color.

"You go up the mountain by yourself, then the Fire Spirit Seed will find someone they approve on your own. After an hour, if you don’t get the blessing of the Fire Spirit Seed, you will go down the mountain on your own. Those who get the approval of the Fire Spirit Seed will follow the guidelines and find the Fire Spirit Beast !"


Gao Hong and his party retreated to the gate formed by the flame mask at the foot of the mountain.

When passing by one of them, Gao Hong stopped and said solemnly: "You need to know your identity, what you should do, and what you shouldn't do. If you go too far and hurt your loved ones, that's not good!"

The tall, dark-skinned teenager's face sank suddenly.

Xiao Yu saw this group of people in his eyes, and his heart became more and more unfavorable.

Soon, this group of people also gradually dispersed.

Seeing these people go up the mountain one after another, these guards came forward and looked at the distance with a little sorrow in their eyes.

These young people have seen too many scenes of this kind, but every time there is no good result.

It can be said that they are numb.

Gao Hong said indifferently: "No need to do this. They are all citizens of the Southern Cloud Region, and they are all sacrificed for the Southern Cloud Region. Someone will remember them in the future. Moreover, this time is the last time. In any case, we will all Can't be soft-hearted."

The guards took a deep breath and nodded.

People here go up the mountain to baptize, and those outside continue to start a bonfire carnival.

Because they know very well that as soon as tonight is over, Nanyunyu will begin to prepare for external expansion plans.

It will definitely be a battle of life and death, and of course it will also be the moment when the Southern Cloud Region rises.

Just because they have completely believed in these ten years of faith, they, as the people of the God of Fire Spirit, will definitely make the Southern Clouds more glorious.

The sacrificial meeting is considered to have temporarily entered the stage of carnival, while Batu sat cross-legged in front of the flame mask of the holy mountain alone.

Meng Linzhi and the others were all a hundred meters away and did not dare to disturb.

They knew very well that Batu was sensing the entire holy mountain with consciousness at this time, especially the fire spirit beast on the holy mountain.

It can be said that Meng Linzhi, Luo Yi and others are beginning to become nervous.

They thought they knew very well that this sacrificial meeting was the most critical one.

If it fails, then there is no chance!

the other side.

"Wu Hufa, will she be okay, Miss..." a disciple of the spell school asked worriedly.

Wu Hufa took a deep breath and shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that Miss's trip is dangerous."

"But... but the priests seem to know Miss..."

"The more this is the case, the more worried I am. This shows that what they have mastered far exceeds our imagination!"

Wu Hufa became extremely worried, and his gaze kept falling on the body who was sitting cross-legged and concentrating.

Batu, what are you going to do?

And they didn’t notice, perhaps because the flame is also red, everyone is enveloped by the color of the flame, but upon closer inspection, they can find that Batu’s face seems to be filled with blood...


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