Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1809: Fire Spirit Mountain

Qiao Wei exclaimed, her eyes drenched, and then suddenly she grabbed towards the flame.

But at this moment, the flame rose against the storm and turned into a long cloud of flames that swept towards Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei's face faded, her slender hand made a move, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth condensed in a moment, drawing a circle in the void, forming a circular white ripple.

Obviously, this is the so-called spiritual method in the Southern Cloud Region.


The flame hit under the white ripples, turned into countless flames, and immediately condensed into a flame, which was swept away in the distance.

Xiao Yu frowned and asked, "Is this Fire Spirit Seed so powerful?"

Yes, don’t forget, Xiao Yu has two pieces of burning parchment on his body. The combination of these two pieces is enough to make Xiao Yu have a great awareness of these seeds of fire and seeds of fire spirits. Up.

And he actually sensed that the seed of the fire spirit contained a powerful lethality in it.

Even Qiao Wei herself was stunned. She frowned and said, "Why? Although the Fire Spirit Seed is agitated, it will not hurt people at will. If it were to follow the lethality just now, it would be dead in the Golden Core Realm. "

And you know, among the boys and girls who came in, only two or three reached the Golden Core Realm!

After all, you must know that to reach the Golden Core Realm as a teenager, if it were placed among the inner disciples of the Seven Sects, it would also be gifted.

But such a flame has such a powerful power?

"It's not right. According to the clansmen who have entered in the past, it is impossible for such a situation to happen, chase!"

Qiao Wei frowned and rushed up in one step, and she just swept out.

Xiao Yu didn't think too much, but also chased after him.

According to the sense of breath, it is not difficult at all to catch up with the Seed of Fire Spirit.

With the power level of Qiao Wei's Heavenly Spirit Realm peak, and coupled with the identity of the Young Master of the Conjuration Sect, I don't know how many people who have been successfully baptized have dealt with.

For Xiao Yu, it was even more not a problem.

Even if he doesn't need to borrow the induction of Burning Fire, he still has a heart and soul, even if he doesn't need a heart and soul, he still has the Tianmu God Formation.

Therefore, Xiao Yu can be said to come in without fear.

He was not afraid that Batu and others would have any evil intentions towards him, even if they had evil intentions, Xiao Yu was not afraid.

When the two of them chased for a few minutes, suddenly, not far from them, there was a scream.


The figure of a young man was immediately covered by a scourge, and then something incredible had happened to them. The young man was dragged directly towards the top of the mountain by the flame.

Qiao Wei's face changed: "What's the matter?"

They saw that even though the boy struggled, he couldn't escape the situation of being dragged away by the flames.

And that flame is the seed of fire spirit!

Qiao Wei just wanted to rush over, but at this moment, another scream came from the other side of them, and the flames under the mountain dragged another person towards the top of the mountain.

Another person!

Not only that, this is already the third fire spirit seed in a row!

"Is there so many species of fire spirits?" Xiao Yu seemed to feel a little wrong.

Doesn’t it mean that only a few of the hundreds of people can be baptized successfully every year?

But in a short period of time, several have appeared!

According to the truth, everyone who comes in has his own destiny, Xiao Yu and the others shouldn't bother.

But the scene of being dragged up the mountain by the Seed of Fire Spirit is really incredible!

Earlier, they thought that the attack power of the Fire Spirit Seed was too strong and had a strange heart, and they were ready to catch a flower to see what happened.

Who knew that such a scene actually appeared.

"Ah!! Help!"

Who knows, one wave is not flat, another wave rises, a hundred meters away, to the unexpected of Xiao Yu and Qiao Wei, the flames flickered one after another, all towards the top of the mountain.

"This...what's going on!?" Qiao Wei's face was pale, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

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