Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1811: Flame Serpent

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the more you can feel the blazing flames.

As he got closer, Xiao Yu's heart beat faster.

Yes, the feeling of burning fire is stronger!

This is what Xiao Yu wants to see, and what he has always been looking forward to.

But the more you go on the mountain, the more people will be dragged up by the Fire Spirit Seed.

Of course they didn't save them either, because these fire spirit seeds didn't mean to kill these people, they just wound them, but didn't mean to kill them.

Such an anomaly must have another purpose.

So they didn't save them in a hurry.

Soon, before they reached the top of the mountain, they already felt the flames soaring into the sky.

The fiery and excited feeling in Xiao Yu's mind grew stronger.

Yes, the whereabouts of the last piece of burning fire, no accident, will be here!

After another hour, they were finally approaching the top of the mountain.

What appeared in front of him was an ocean of fiery red flames. The two teenagers, You Guang and Bao Zhuo, saw this scene, and even felt that their breathing was going to be still.

On the top of the mountain, almost everyone has been brought here by the Seed of Fire Spirit, and all the teenagers are surrounded by the sea of ​​fire.

They were horrified, shocked, pale, puzzled, puzzled, and they felt as though they were being judged when they saw the flowers of fire spirits floating around.

Those seeds of fire spirits, like ghosts, count carefully, there are no fewer than hundreds of them!

When Xiao Yu and others saw this scene, it could be said that they were completely stunned.

"This... are these all seeds of fire spirits?"

They are still hundreds of meters away from the sea of ​​fire, but the scene before them is beyond their imagination.

Who can imagine that there are so many fire spirit seeds listed as extremely precious by the Southern Cloud Region, so-called gods of fire.

And those boys and girls surrounded by the sea of ​​flames, the shocking color on their faces, I already don't know how to describe them.

The boys and girls were very weak, and when they saw Xiao Yu in the distance, they were overjoyed.

"It's Miss!"

"Miss, save us!"

"Yeah! We can't get out!"

Seeing the helpless and panicked look on this young man's face, it was hard to imagine what they had experienced.

After all, they are "happy" going up the mountain to seek baptism, who knows that they are involved in such a situation where they don't know what's going on.

Hundreds of species of fire spirits all gathered together in an instant, as if they possessed wisdom.

They all gathered together to form a giant flame snake that was one hundred meters in size.

The giant snake was winding and circling, majestic and majestic, and fiery flames wafted on its tongue.

A closer look revealed that its eyes turned out to be a deep red color, full of blood and killing intent.


When everyone saw this scene, their faces became paler.

Especially the hundreds of young people behind the flame giant were so scared that they lost sight of the seven souls.

This giant snake does not seem to be a friendly creature at all!

And how could the seed of the fire spirit form such a giant flame snake?

This and the seed of the fire spirit that they knew, the holy mountain of fire spirit was simply not right.


When it was said that it was too late, the giant snake swung its tail, and a huge whip hit it directly.

"Be careful!"

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