Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1816: Sacrifices

After Long Shu swallowed more than ten people, its body was obviously enlarged, and the ancient violent aura made Xiao Yu's heart jump.

This is simply an evolutionary rhythm!

Those boys and girls were all stunned in place, Xiao Yu was able to find out, how could they not be able to find this scene as a close range?

The more so, the more fear and panic felt in their hearts.

What goes into the mountain for baptism is fake, and what gets the blessing of the God of Fire Spirit is also fake, and they go up the mountain to become a sacrifice!

And this whole Huoling Mountain is the sacrificial platform!

Qiao Wei's body trembled violently, and a color of anger emerged spontaneously. She couldn't do anything at all. The so-called baptism in the mountains was such a conspiracy!

She finally understood what Batu did with the fire spirit beast.

Batu is trying to sacrifice the lives of more than a hundred people, and then let the fire spirit beast grow to its peak state, so that he can better control it!

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed brightly, and the coldness of the chill filled his face.

Taking human life as a sacrifice is an evil way in itself, which is not acceptable.

In his cognition, only cruel cultivators would use people as tools and provide them with cultivation resources as a cultivation resource.

It was just unexpected that the so-called angels of the gods in the Southern Cloud Region, the so-called priests, turned out to be such a cruel person, which was really beyond Xiao Yu's expectations.

Originally, Xiao Yu and Qiao Wei knew that Batu was going to use Longshu as a tool against the Seven Sects.

At that time, he still thought that the fire spirit beast was injured and had not recovered, and even if it recovered, it would be almost impossible to fight the seven sects.

However, if it is replaced by a dragon pivot, which is still evolving and becoming stronger, then maybe it is.

When they first went up the mountain, Xiao Yu had already felt that the strength of this wicked animal was roughly equivalent to the cultivation base that had just entered the realm of good fortune, but after swallowing ten people, the size of Longshu and the overall breath were all It has become stronger and more brutal.

The only constant is the spirituality of Longshu, which is almost lost.

In other words, Long Shu's behavior during this trip was obviously controlled by someone!

Who is the controller?

Who else besides Batu?

It was too late and then soon, a dozen people were swept into the sky by the flames.

Screams, panic, and crying sounded one after another. A dozen people wanted to wait for a lamb to be slaughtered. Long Shu opened his mouth and was swallowed again.

"Do not!"

When Qiao Wei said, Hua Rong turned pale.


Long Shu looked up to the sky and screamed, a cheerful and excited roar rang out, and then its size increased again.

Qiao Wei's eyes were flushed, and seeing the dozens of remaining people could only wait to be swallowed, Qiao Wei screamed: "Batu!!! Stop it!!!"

Qiao Wei shouted so, all the flames burning on the top of the mountain seemed to have stopped for a while.

The top of the mountain, which was full of **** killing intent, turned quiet at this moment.

After You Guang waited for his disciples to listen, his face suddenly changed.

"Batu... priest? Is all this done by priests?"

Bao Zhuo's face was also pale, and those disciples seemed to be like a bolt from the blue.

All the things that happened on the holy mountain turned out to be the work of their most respected priests?

The priest actually regarded them as sacrifices for the fire spirit beasts to enjoy?

what is this? This doesn't treat them as humans at all!

"No, the priest won't do this, he must have a way to save us."

"Yes, the priest is the messenger of the gods, and he will not harm us." A few young people whispered palely.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling that they were very pitiful.

For this reason, are they still unwilling to believe the facts before them?

The fact is that Batu turned them into sacrificial objects, and then let Longshu grow into a powerful existence.

At this moment, Long Shu actually stopped moving, motionless, and then a calm voice rang--

"Xiaowei, why do you bother?"

When you heard this familiar voice, You Guang's face turned paler than all the remaining young people.

Yes, this voice is Batu!

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