Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1818: Ten years plan (middle)

Those people who have not been swallowed, their faces pale and without a trace of blood.

They finally understood that, invisibly, they had become a sacrifice to realize Batu's "big plan".

And their lives are not worth mentioning to Batu, who is full of benevolence and morality, and is full of consideration for his own nation.

And all these conspiracies were still prepared for ten years.

Xiao Yu gasped in his heart when he heard the words. He probably knew the context of the matter.

Qiao Wei and Wu Hufa said that the fire spirit beast was injured in the battle decades ago and has not appeared for a long time.

But just ten years ago, the fire spirit beast awoke, but it often made a painful roar.

In the sacrificial ceremonies that began at that time, the disciples who went up the mountain for baptism every year, except for those people who were not eligible to get the seed of the fire spirit, went down the mountain ahead of time, and none of them came back alive.

However, the Southern Cloud Region did not take this as a warning, but felt that this was the God of Fire Spirit testing them.

In addition, Batu had not yet taken office and was still Batu’s father. But at that time, Batu’s father, the previous priest, had already changed his mind, focusing on offensive, radical, and expansion plans, and kept drawing in. Own power.

In this way, it lasted for ten years. Among them, the previous priest died and Batu succeeded. His approach became bolder, and the plan continued to advance.

And according to what Batu said just now, that is to say, they prepared for so long for today!

Ten years of preparation, "hide our power and bide our time", is for today!

Obviously, the roar of the fire spirit beast in the past ten years is that Batu has eaten his soul step by step!

"The Sect Master... the disappearance of the Sect Master was originally related to the priest..." Bao Zhuo and others seemed to feel a bolt from the blue.

If it is said that the use of living people as sacrifices is for the development of the Southern Cloud Region, they still barely understand.

However, if the suzerain is taken away, and house arrest or murdered, then it would be a kind of disrespect!

"Don't worry, the suzerain now has no worries about his life."

Qiao Wei said angrily: "Where is my father!"

Batu said indifferently: "Where is the Sect Master, I will tell you once the sacrificial meeting is over. The Sect Master does not understand our plan, but this is only temporary. When the Sect Master sees the day when our Southern Cloud Region rises, he will Agree with me."

"Batu!! How can you be like this, my father is not thin to you, and takes good care of you, if my father has a long and two shortcomings, I will not make you feel better!" Qiao Wei trembled again with anger.

Batu said coldly: "It is precisely because I read about the feelings of the Sect Master that he has lived until now! Otherwise, with my current ability, I have already ascended the Sect Master position! If it weren't for you, how would I stay? The life of the suzerain?"

There was an inexplicable sentiment in these words, and Xiao Yu can be regarded as you understand.

But in Qiao Wei's view, it was such a rebellious thing.

"How on earth are you willing to stop!"

"We can’t take it anymore. We have been preparing for ten years. In the first nine years, we only chose the lives of a few people as sacrifices. I have done everything I can do. The reason why I chose living people as sacrifices at this sacrifice meeting Just because the fire spirit beast is here today, its power will reach its peak, and the lives of hundreds of people can just break through its strength and grow as a source of power."

After Qiao Wei listened, she felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky. She felt a burst of anger hitting her forehead, her red eyes, wishing to kill Batu now.

"I understand, I understand! For the first nine years, the purpose was to let all of us relax our vigilance, and then brainwash them, and then continue to deliver sacrifices for your plan, sacred things !!!"

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