Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1820: Meteor, a thousand falling down!

Qiao Wei suddenly turned back, what did she see?

In the flame circle, the remaining seventy or eighty people were all limp on the ground, climbing like a zombie in pain.

And a closer look, from his body, there was actually a **** flame burning.

The blood-colored flame burned into a kind of blood-colored energy, constantly escaping towards the sky.

Long Shu's limbs shook, and the huge body was swept into the air, and all the **** energy was submerged in it.

This is the real sacrifice!

Xiao Yu gasped suddenly, Qiao Wei turned pale, and cried out miserably, "No!"

"Let your blood come to sacrifice the evolution of the fire spirit beast! Your death will not be in vain! Burst!"

Along with Batu’s gloomy laughter, all seventy or eighty people in the flame exploded and died. They turned into blood mist in the sky, and the blood mist turned into blood-colored energy, flooding like crazy. The body of Longshu.

Qiao Wei stood on the ground weakly at this time.

She had no blood on her face, her face was pale, and she looked desperate.

In the midair, under the shroud of fire, Longshu finally completed its evolution.

Its size, from the initial ten-meter huge size, has become so terrifying as thirty meters in one fell swoop.

At the same time, its back, which was originally like a sprouting fleshy wing, has also begun to slowly grow larger, reaching the length of a meter in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, Longshu is still evolving.

Even Xiao Yu suddenly gasped.

Originally, Longshu was a sixth-level monster, comparable to the strength of the good fortune realm. If it really evolved successfully, according to Xiao Yu's guess, it might be able to suppress the dragon, and there would not be a few people in the entire sect world!

Endless blood energy is constantly converging into the dragon's body.

If it grows, the consequences will be disastrous!

"It's still evolving! Stop it!" Xiao Yu quickly shouted.

Qiao Wei's eyes dazzled from the sluggishness just now, and soon returned to a cold murderous intent.

Qiao Wei didn't talk nonsense, with a move, the spiritual power of heaven and earth converged, suddenly turned into a sky full of waves, and slapped towards Longshu.


Long Shu was evolving, and when he was suddenly disturbed by this, the **** energy was immediately interrupted, floating in the air.

"Xiao Wei!!!"

Long Shu vomited, his eyes changed to the **** meaning of Sen Han.

"I said, even if I fight for my life, I will stop you!"

Qiao Wei danced with her hands, and suddenly, in the pitch black sky, there was suddenly some light flickering.

These rays of light are getting more and more, getting bigger and bigger, if you look closely, it turns out to be falling towards the dragon pivot!

"Meteor·Thousands of Downfall!"

Back under the sacred mountain.

"Look, what's on the top of the mountain?" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Although it was far away from the top of the holy mountain, they could still see that above the fiery red clouds, there was actually some shimmering light that was infinitely magnifying.

Seeing this scene, Meng Linzhi, Yu Zhen, and Wu Hufa looked moved.

"Why... isn't this spiritual technique the inheritance of the suzerain? How could..." Meng Linzhi's heart suddenly jumped.

When Yu Zhen and Wu Hufa saw this, their faces moved.

"Is the Sovereign at the top of the mountain?" Yu Zhen was surprised.

But only Wu Hufa didn't think so. It wasn't the suzerain who was on the top of the mountain, but the young lady initiated this spiritual technique!

"This spiritual method, I heard that it is infinitely close to the taboo spiritual method! How can someone on the top of the mountain be able to use it?" The people said in a puzzled and surprised voice.

As for Meng Linzhi and Wu Hufa, the two groups are very clear in their hearts that there may be only one person who can use this spiritual method!

"Guard Meng!" Gao Hong's expression was uncertain. He, the first warrior, was obviously shocked by this scene.

Meng Linzhi glanced at Batu, who was still holding his eyes closed and motionless, and said in a deep voice: "If the lady is really urging him, the priest will not keep his hands. Let's wait and see how the priest will deal with it."

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