Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1835: Enchanted

There was only one person standing awe-inspiring where Yu Zhen was just now, with an extra fire snake entwined in his hand.

The fire snake was extremely weird, the eyes were all with a kind of weird purple, and the vomiting letter had a feeling that it could swallow people.

And in this person, an extremely pure and violent fire attribute energy fluctuation is beating around.

This is indeed Meng Linzhi.

And this scene, of course, fell into everyone's eyes.

Those people in the Southern Cloud Region turned pale in an instant.

"Guardian Yu, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. Under the leadership of the suzerain, the Southern Cloud Region will only perish. Only we can lead the Southern Cloud Region to rise." Meng Linzhi said coldly.

"It turns out that this is really the case..." Yu Zhen was furious, and said angrily, "You traitors!"

Seeing that Yu Zhen was injured, Wu Hufa changed his face and stopped moving, but before he could do anything, Qiao Wei turned pale and shouted, "Wu Hufa be careful!"

But it was too late for Qiao Wei's reminder. Wu Hufa just turned his head, and a thunder and lightning was infinitely enlarged in his eyes. His pupils shrank and he was about to resist, but with a "boom", Wu Hufa volleyed. Flew away, fell heavily on the ground, was scorched, and passed out.

And this scene horrified everyone in the audience.

Qiao Wei's face turned pale, and Yu Zhen's face became paler when she saw it.

"I can't help myself!"

The flash of lightning just now was unexpectedly triggered by Batu.

Taboo spiritual law needs time to brew before it can burst out of its strongest power.

But from Yibatu's point of view, with his current strength, it would be easy to severely injure a peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

And the power that Batu controls has already made the people and people of the entire Southern Clouds feel terrified.

A group of priests who have never been able to practice cultivation, have become so powerful now that even the law protector can't stop one of its tricks. Just ask, how can they not be shocked?

Qiao Wei swept over. Although Wu Hufa was not dead, her injuries were too serious. Her whole body was severely injured by the violent thunder and lightning, and her whole body was scorched.

"Batu!!!" Qiao Wei turned her head, her eyes bloodshot.

Anger, it is no longer possible to describe her mood at this time.

Two law protectors, one was attacked and the other was seriously injured and unconscious, and all this was just in the blink of an eye!

This Batu, how many powers they don't know, and how many secrets they don't know?

Batu’s originally pale face filled with a more gloomy look. He opened his hands and raised his head, enjoying the feeling that the spiritual power of the world around him beating around him and being controlled by him, and his face , A gesture of enjoyment appeared.

Then, Batu slowly opened his eyes, his already pale and handsome face, looking carefully, there was a feeling of horror and hideousness.

"Xiao Wei, I said, you don't know what the real power is, and all the powers I possess are beyond your knowledge. Only I can lead the people to the top."

"Can you kill your own people for what you call power?"

Batu's eyes flashed with a red light, and said: "Of course! No one can stop my pace! And, don't you want to see us in the Southern Clouds standing on the top of the Zongmen World?"

"Batu, you've gone crazy, and you're no longer the person I know..." Qiao Wei's face was pale, her eyes full of sadness.

Batu's face sank and said, "I haven't changed all the time. It's you who have changed. Natural selection is in production. Heaven is supreme. Everything is ants. You don't understand it! Instead, you blame me and my father. If you don't want to make progress, you will destroy yourself!

Qiao Wei closed her eyes tightly, and a feeling of weakness and numbness came up slowly.

Qiao Min was hidden, Wu Hufa was also seriously injured in a coma, even Yu Zhen was injured, they are alone and lonely, what else can the few disciples of the curse sect do?

"Compromise! You can't fight against me at all! If you persist, then you will die!" Batu glanced at the few twenty or thirty people in the opposition.

Those remaining opposition parties have already shuddered from fear, so how can they resist?

Batu's eyes quickly swept away all the people in the Southern Clouds, everyone could not help feeling that there was a shady and terrifying atmosphere behind them.

"You, only by surrendering to me can you avoid death!"

Batu's voice was like a powerful sharp blade, as if it was resting on everyone's neck. Almost everyone had their heads low and did not dare to resist or speak at all.

Suddenly, an untimely voice rang--

"It's ridiculous. This is what you call the power. Use the power of cultivating demons to forcibly improve yourself, Batu. Is this your support?"

As soon as these words came out, Batu's face suddenly sank, and the faces of Meng Linzhi and others changed wildly.

The person who spoke, was the boy just now!

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