Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1837: Embrace the fire

As soon as the voice fell, Batu grabbed his hand, endless flames condensed in his hand, and then swarmed towards Xiao Yu.

The flame swept up in the air and turned into a giant flame flower.

The petals of the flower withered, exposing the buds inside, and the stamens then went straight into the sky under Batu's upper void.

Immediately afterwards, a sea of ​​flames filled the sky, covering hundreds of meters of sky, pouring down towards Xiao Yu.

"Yanhuo Burning Sea!"


The sea of ​​flames falling from the sky was even more terrifying than the fire wave spurred by the dragon hub just now, and its momentum was even greater.

The arrogance of the sky burned the space into a twisted one.

"This...this is a taboo spiritual technique!"

Everyone looked up, as if watching the punishment of a god, one of the old men murmured to himself: "This is one of the strongest taboo spiritual methods of the ancestors in the past!"

Taboo spiritual methods are said to be comparable to the outside world's supernatural powers. At the same time, it is said that some taboo spiritual methods are more lethal than some supernatural powers.

"Xiao Yu!!! Hurry up!!" Qiao Wei turned pale, her face turned pale.

No one knows the power of this forbidden spiritual technique better than her, and no one knows better than her that the emergence of the forbidden spiritual technique was born from the safety of the southern cloud region.

And the most important thing is that the appearance of taboo spiritual law will inevitably become a powerful lethality, which will result in disastrous life.

Hundreds of meters of huge sea of ​​fire poured down in the air, and the fire wave was like a rushing sea, surging endlessly.

When Meng Linzhi and others saw this scene, their eyes were full of infinite yearning.

"This is the highest state of the fire control spirit method!!" Meng Linzhi's heart was trembling, and a feeling of excitement emerged spontaneously.

No one knows better than him, how high the status of the fire-attributed spiritual method is in the Southern Cloud Region.

No one knows better than him that the fire-attributed taboo spiritual methods of the ancestors of the past generations have always been eager to pry into the people who have been successfully baptized.

"Hahahaha! I am the **** of heaven! I am the **** of fire spirit who controls life and death! Die!" Batu laughed wildly, waving his hands, and the sky would be covered by the sea of ​​fire, and there was a sense of burning the earth.

Xiao Yu looked up to the sky and looked up, seeing this scene, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Spiritual technique is really extraordinary. The intensity of this so-called taboo spiritual technique has already caught up with the heavenly supernatural powers."

The Southern Cloud Region has always been proud of fire. The ancestors of the past have been baptized and selected by the Seed of Fire Spirit.

And there is no doubt that all of this is the result of Burning Fire.

Burning Fire nurtured the people of the Southern Cloud Region, strengthened the strength of the Southern Cloud Region, and formed such a belief.

However, this is only the flame of burning fire, not real burning fire.

From a certain point of view, they only used part of the power of Burning Fire, and they were not really capable of burning the sky and the earth.

You must know that what Xiao Yu possessed in his body was almost the purest and most violent fire attribute "power"!

Although this kind of power brought to Xiao Yu, it was temporarily unable to attack and had no lethality, but because of this, when facing this sea of ​​fire, Xiao Yu could only feel a kind of kindness, a kind of familiarity. .

If it were replaced with the old parchment, Xiao Yu would definitely not feel this way.

But now it's different. Although the cohesion of the last piece of parchment was temporarily interrupted, Xiao Yu's comprehension of burning fire and flames has already surpassed everyone in the Southern Clouds.

"Burn it! Make the flames stronger!"

Xiao Yu suddenly opened his arms and assumed a stretched posture. He closed his eyes and let the fire in the sky shroud.

"Xiao Yu, he...what is he going to do?" Qiao Wei was completely stunned.

Don't say it was him. Faced with such a sea of ​​fire that the "God" descended on, everyone looked moved.

Meng Linzhi's faces were full of disdain, indifference, and coldness.

"Things that do not live or die! Thinking that you have the power of igniting spirits, you can resist the priest's fire control taboo spirits!"

Meng Linzhi's heart was full of looking down.

He knew that Xiao Yu possessed the aura of fire spirit power, but this did not mean that he could resist the strongest fire attribute taboo spirit in their clan.

No matter how strong you are, you will only be burned before the taboo spiritual method!


Finally, Xiao Yu burst into flames in this flame.

"No..." Qiao Wei couldn't stand still, her beautiful face had turned into a pale color.

Although she has no feelings for this boy, she also knows that this boy came here for another purpose.

But how can this boy save her?

I don't know why, the young man's tall and calm, like a gesture of controlling everything, linger in her mind, even though they only met for a short time, and they are not friends.

Now, because of their internal conflicts in the Southern Clouds, Batu was killed.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of sadness in her heart, a feeling of anxiety came to life.

Hundreds of meters of fire burned, and the earth trembled, and even the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be frightened by the fire and fleeing everywhere.

"This is the fire of sacrificial rites, and it is also a flame that symbolizes the prosperity of our Southern Cloud Region under my leadership!"

Seeing that the boy had been bathed in the sea of ​​fire, Batu laughed wildly: "I said, here, I am the seed of the fire spirit, no one..."

Who knows, the next moment, his smile became stiff...

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