Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1839: Power of faith

Such a shocking scene appeared in the eyes of Batu and others, and it was obviously impossible to believe that it was true.

The degree of this shock is even more imposing than that of the sacrificial ceremonies of the past to visit the holy mountain.

Even Meng Linzhi and Yu Zhen, who had participated in dozens of sacrificial ceremonies, were completely shocked by this scene.

Batu's face was pale without any blood, and he still seemed not to believe what was happening before him.

He originally thought that it would be easy to kill a kid in the Heavenly Spirit Realm with the taboo spiritual method under his control.

But he was wrong, he was so wrong.

His own spiritual method, in front of the other party, could not hurt him at all.

You know, Long Shu was seriously injured, and the taboo spiritual technique is his reliance!

That is how he used his grand plan to lead the Southern Cloud Region to glory!

But the appearance of this young man seemed to have knocked him from heaven to hell, and that hope was instantly shattered.

All his fantasies have become so unrealistic.

Meng Linzhi and others looked at the young man like a ghost, and his eyes revealed not only panic, but also fear.

They never believed in the **** of fire spirits, nor did they believe in the patron saint of holy mountains, because they knew very well that all their beliefs were based on an infinitely widening power gap.

But at this moment, they realized in a daze that they also felt like they wanted to bow down to the city mansion, and even bow their heads!

Even if the opponent is just a young man, even if the opponent is just a Celestial Spirit Realm Xiaocheng.

But in their hundreds of years of history, the one who can control the power of the fire spirit is the "god"!

But this person really did it!

Isn’t all this enough for severely wounding fire spirit beasts, countless fire-attributed spiritual methods?

Qiao Wei was completely stunned in place.

She couldn't be the phenomenon at all, the young man who was almost at war with herself at the beginning with full of blood, now reached the point where she looked up.

She couldn't even imagine that their strongest taboo spiritual technique in the Southern Clouds was actually invalid for this person!

"Xiao Yu...what's the secret in you..." Qiao Wei's eyes flowed with a complex expression.

Xiao Yu told her that he came for the fire spirit beast, but the other party only touched the fire spirit beast, and then the whole person showed such incredible power.

This is something they haven't encountered in the Southern Cloud Region for so many years!

Feeling the worship of more than 100,000 people, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a powerful confidence, a powerful blessing.

And Xiao Yu's face was also covered with a layer of sacred light, and the expression in his eyes when he saw everyone was more indifference, a feeling of overlooking the common people.

"Could this be the power of faith in the legend..." Xiao Yu was throbbing in his heart.

Rhubarb and him said that in the world of Nine Heavens, the levels of power are endless, rich and diverse, and among them, a power called the power of faith impressed Xiao Yu very deeply.

As long as someone worships and believes in you, then an invisible force will appear in these people to bless them.

This is the so-called power of faith.

The horror of the power of faith can form a powerful force with the ideas gathered by millions of people, thus reaching the point of destroying the world.

Xiao Yu didn't really believe it at the time because he had not touched that level, even though he believed that he would encounter this kind of power in the future.

However, when he really encountered a similar power, even though the blessing of this power was not very strong, it still made Xiao Yu feel that his body was full of power.

And this kind of power has already surpassed his realm of strength.

Xiao Yu was intoxicated in this ocean of belief in Lilang, and the blessing of that invisible power gave him a feeling of controlling everything.

"No!! He is not the messenger of the gods, I am!! Don't believe him!"

Suddenly, Batu let out an anger, his face became extremely ferocious, and he shouted at everyone.


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