Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1841: All enchanted

While Xiao Yu's thoughts were urging, Shura's power suddenly urged out, centering on Xiao Yu's body, forming a ripple of light and shaking.

In the Chenbei Dynasty and after killing Ibo, Xiao Yu clearly realized that his power of Shura was obviously a nemesis with these powers of demonic cultivation, or power of Yin and evil.

Although, after Xiao Yu came to the Xiaoyao Sect, he used Xiaoyao Fu as a springboard for his practice.

But this did not mean that Xiao Yu had completely concealed his Shura Art for the time being.

He just spent most of his time on Xiaoyao Fu to improve his enlightenment ability.

As Xiao Yu's comprehension ability of Xiaoyao Clan was continuously improved, Xiao Yu's comprehension was bound to increase.

When your comprehension is enhanced, when you continue to comprehend the Shura Secret Art, you will naturally be faster and more rewarding than before.


The power of all things in the world has its own unique aura. The aura of Xiao Yu Shura's power is a unique kind of dead silence, deep, as if it can throw people into the hell, and can never turn back.

The blood red aura swept to the sky, and the black misty hands disappeared like an egg touching a stone.

At the same time, the momentum of Shura's power rippled like a huge mountain trembling on the lake. Meng Linzhi, Gao Hong, Luo Yi, and dozens of masters were all shaken back several tens of meters and couldn't get close to Xiao Yu.

This scene really shocked Batu and others.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a leisurely color, and said: "The mob, thinking that they have fallen into the magic way, can they do whatever they want after they have practiced a little magic power?"

How do they know that Xiao Yu started from fighting against the ghost gate in the Chenbei Dynasty, and then went to the first battle Yibo in the sect world, he is no longer a fledgling boy for such people.

"Arrogant! Kill him!" Batu gave an order, and the black mist spread out from him, forming a cloak-shaped ghost behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Batu's body was suspended.


He slapped it with one palm, and dozens of palms were transformed into the black mist, and the overwhelming thing was killed.

"Boom boom boom!"

The air vibrated one after another, and a dull sound erupted, almost shattering the space.

Upon seeing this, Meng Linzhi and others were shocked, all urging a terrifying force.

"Boom boom boom!"

Among them, more than half of them were successfully baptized on the holy mountain.

In other words, they all control the fire spirit.

But in their flames, there was a black energy aura.

The crimson sky full of flames mixed with black mists, each showing supernatural powers, various spiritual attacks spurred out at the same time.

Seeing so many people who were baptized at the same time appeared this evil power, Qiao Wei and the others showed a look of horror.

"They... they are all in a demon!" Yu Zhen muttered to himself, feeling a kind of sadness and a kind of powerlessness.

That is their own people!

But because of the so-called expansion plan, the so-called strength, and the so-called reaching the peak of glory, they actually took such a crooked road-enchanting!

No wonder they can sacrifice their people for their plans.

No wonder they have become so inhuman.

The sky's offensive, spiritual technique, covering a full hundreds of meters in the sky, Qi Qi came towards Xiao Yu.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu couldn't help but exclaimed: "So you all fell into the devil's way! If this is the case, then I will get rid of you together."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu flipped his hand and started with the Seven-Star Sword with its scabbard...

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