Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1845: A difference in thought can ruin a whole life

Xiao Yu still danced his long sword expressionlessly, just like the sword of judgment, hundreds of meters filled with countless horrible sword aura.

These assaulting sword auras can split people's skin, making people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

With Xiao Yu's sword, another twenty or thirty people were taken away, and only a few people were left in Batu's half.

Beneath the "Holy Mountain" and in front of the sacrificial platform, the Pros were almost like fish and flesh, and countless blood, against the backdrop of the bonfire, looked particularly bloody.

Even Qiao Wei felt a kind of intolerance, Yu Zhen clenched her fists, seemingly shocked by this scene.

Although these are traitors, in any case, these are also the people of their Southern Cloud Region, their tribe, and their best friends ever!

Those disciples of the curse sect who joined the opposition faction couldn't bear to turn their heads.

It doesn't matter whether you fall into the devil's way or go astray, it is wrong to be wrong.

It is impossible to keep them, because they know the power and power of the cultivator deeply.

If their lives were left behind because of their benevolent heart, then how should the ancestors of the tribe who died to fight against the demon repairers look down?

Xiao Yu walked towards Batu and the others step by step, pointed his sword straight to the ground, his eyes calmly without any emotional fluctuations.

"A difference in one thought can ruin a whole life. You shouldn't do it, and you shouldn't cooperate with the demonic cultivator. If you are safe and stable, you can live your life peacefully, but unfortunately, you are wrong."

Xiao Yu approached step by step, Batu and the others were pale, but Batu was furious, stood up, and shouted ferociously: "Don't be full of benevolence and morality! People are not for themselves! Everyone in the world is the same! Not even you Exception! No one can resist the temptation of power, not even you!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "You are right. If it were me, for the sake of strength, I would rather risk death, but I will use my ability to slowly walk to where I want to go. I am different from you."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly flashed with blue light, and said: "In order to achieve your goal, you choose to cooperate with the demon repairers. You kill your own people and encourage them to die. What is the difference between yours and the demon repairers?"

Xiao Yu didn't wait for them to speak, but shook his head sarcastically: "No, you are indeed different from them. The difference is that they are the dominant players, and you are their chess pieces and cannon fodder."

"What are you talking about?" Meng Linzhi and the others gave initiation, their faces dull.

Xiao Yu sneered and said: "The world is chess, and you and I are both pawns. The difference is that you are only a part of the manipulated. They want you to live, you live, and they want you to die, you have to die! And I, Destiny is in your own hands!"

There was a loud "bang" in Batu's mind, and he murmured to himself, "'s not like this."

"Don't you understand? They empowered you to use your hands to disrupt the world order of the sect, so that they can better rule here! To put it bluntly, they just want to make the world of sect chaos so that they can take the opportunity to enter! You are only the objects they use. Even if you die, there are still thousands of you! Even after the event is done, you will not belong here, only **** will belong to you!"

"No!!! You talk nonsense!" Batu yelled frantically, as if he didn't believe anything here.

Xiao Yu shook his head and sneered. He had already seen through this game, but he said it was useless.

You can never wake up a sleeping person.

In the same way, you will never be able to persuade people who are already obsessed.

Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense anymore, Jian Qi Lang was cut out by Xiao Yu again, and Batu's face changed wildly when he saw that, he immediately retreated, and shook his hand at Meng Linzhi and Gao Hong.

"The priest!!!" Meng Linzhi, Gao Hong and the others changed their faces, their figures were pushed away by a huge force.

"Do not!!!"

" can't die..."



Meng Linzhi, Gao Hong, and several masters were cut into pieces in an instant.

The faces of Qiao Wei and others were gloomy, a kind of anger and heart trembled.

Batu's eyes were dumb, just to survive, he turned out to be an instinctive reaction, and now, he has survived, but found that he is already standing on top of all the corpses.

Xiao Yu would never show mercy to this kind of person who pushed his companion out to die. He was going to give Batu a sword to understand his journey to the Southern Clouds.

Xiao Yu raised his hand again, the sword light flashed with cold light.

But at this moment, Batu felt that his blood had coagulated and his legs could not move.

Batu was in horror. He already knew that he had no retreat.

"What are you waiting for! Don't come out to save me yet!!!"

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