Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1875: Ji Yining's determination

A few months ago, Ji Yining finally exchanged Fuling Pill in Baiyao Valley.

When Ji Yunzhuo knew about it, he was very angry.

Because Ji Yining secretly went to Hundred Medicine Valley without telling Ji Yunzhuo, and the latter knew very well, Sixth-Rank Spirit Pill! Judging from the group of alchemists who have no offensive power in Hundred Medicine Valley, only the golden coffin can attract them.

After all, with the golden coffin, Hundred Medicine Valley can have a strong presence like a guard, so there is no need to be afraid of being oppressed by other forces.

But after Ji Yining and his father talked about Xiao Yu about Xiao Yu, Ji Yunzhuo was shocked, but he had no choice but to gritted his teeth and swallowed the rejuvenating pills, and continued to retreat while recovering to seek a breakthrough.

It's just that in the past six months, Ji Yining has put the entire Tomb Western Region and Ji Family on his shoulders.

Coupled with the fact that the guards of his own domain lord mansion have taken refuge in You family one after another, this has made the Ji family even more into a state of turmoil.

Ji Yining's young face looked a little tired.

He is young after all, but now, the survival of their Ji family is temporarily weighed on him. The pressure from all aspects, coupled with his own strength and willingness, makes him almost breathless.

"Good birds choose wood and live there, Uncle Zhou, you can't blame them either." Ji Yining sighed.

Yes, those who don't take refuge have already taken refuge, what else can they do?

It would be better to think about the next thing.

Ji Qingshan was originally a young lady with a disposition, and now even she feels that things are not in seconds.

"Young domain master, shall we retreat? We are not afraid that there will be no firewood to burn." Gu Zhou finally said after sinking for a while.

Ji Yining shook his head and said, "We can't go."

Ji Qingshan's face is also very sad.

Before Ji Yunzhuo retreats, he told their siblings and Gu Zhou that if they really couldn't resist, then just ignore him and let them go first.

Gu Zhou said anxiously: "Young Domain Master! You can't be arrogant at this time! If you don't leave, and if you have a blood refining sect, then all of our Ji family will die! The domain master also said before his death. You must not let the family members die in vain, even if you discard these hundreds of years of family heritage, you will not hesitate."

"But, Dad... Dad is retreating." Ji Qingshan's eyes seemed to be flushed.

If they all leave, then it is equivalent to abandoning their father here!

Seeing Ji Yining's silence, Gu Zhou continued: "Now that the brows are on fire, even if the domain master succeeds in retreating, with the domain master and his golden coffin, we cannot be the opponents of You Family and the Blood Refining Sect. I heard that the You family has been preparing for a long time this time, and the Blood Refining Sect has been hundreds of miles away from the Western Region of the grave, and has long been eyeing it. If we really want to fight hard, it is almost impossible for us to turn defeat into victory!"

In fact, Ji Yining is also very clear about this situation.

There are two big families in Tomb West Region, Ji Family and You Family.

The Ji family has a golden coffin, which is their most important force behind the domain master.

But is your family worthless?

Of course not.

Because of the historical position of the Tomb Western Region, many powerful families with unique secret methods have been born. This You Family is one of them.

If it's the peak period, you family certainly dare not provoke the Ji family.

But today is different. Ji Yunzhuo has not been out of retreat. Ji Yining is difficult to pick the leader. Moreover, a large number of masters have left, and the blood refining sect has also joined in. May I ask, where is the chance of winning the Ji family?

But Ji Yining's eyes showed a firm look, and said: "We can't go."

"Young domain master!" Gu Zhou was really anxious, but Ji Qingshan's eyes were flushed, and she didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded--

"You don't have to go."

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