Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1880: Strange things (below)

Gu Zhou's eyes were surprised and doubtful, and immediately said: "Even under the ground, we also found five silver coffins."


Xiao Yu was taken aback.

The corpse in the silver coffin is comparable to the existence of the three-day realm!

You know, in a sect, there are five masters of the three-day realm, which is enough to be regarded as the top power in the second-rate sect.

Coupled with their two golden coffins and Ji Yunzhuo's good fortune cultivation base, Tomb Western Region is enough to be among the top ranking existences!

Regarding this matter, Ji Yining did not talk to Xiao Yu.

Of course Xiao Yu also understands, after all, whether it is a golden coffin or a silver coffin, they are all the cards of their graves in the Western Regions!

How can it be said casually? Isn't this exposed?

But he was given five silver coffins at once, which already surprised Xiao Yu.

Think about it, countless people in the sect world are seeking breakthroughs, all seeking to reach the three-day state, even the seven sects are no exception.

And now?

Now this Tomb Western Region has acquired the equivalent of five great masters at once. How can it not arouse others' jealousy if it is known to the outside world?

"Because of this, the You Family wants to seek the dominance of the domain owner, so as to get these coffins?" Xiao Yu suddenly said.

Gu Zhou was shocked again, his face was very solemn and worried, and said, "It seems you know a lot. Does the outside world know about this?"

"I don't think the outside world will pay too much attention, and this matter is related to the secret of the overall strength of the Western Regions. You family will not be so stupid as to pass it on. I only learned about it when I met friends on the road.

Gu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Xiao Yu with a sincere expression in his eyes: "Xiao Yu, I can feel that you really want to help us and help the young domain master, but the young domain master's attitude is very firm, even There are also secrets that I don’t even know. To be honest, I hope you can help us, but this trip will only let you go."

After that, Gu Zhou sighed lightly, and a feeling of weakness came into being.

If a person has to die anyway, you can't hold it back anyway, Ji Yining is such a situation.

But Xiao Yu's thoughts were on another question. He asked, "Is it a coincidence that five silver coffins appeared at the same time? Has it appeared before?"

Gu Zhou didn't know why Xiao Yu asked this, but he firmly shook his head and said: "It's impossible. There are only four silver coffins in our Ji family's hands, and they are still handed down from generation to generation. Just one bite, and the others are loyal children of the family."

"When you say that, it's really strange, it may be related to it..."

Having said this, Gu Zhou suddenly hesitated and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more.

Xiao Yu said: "Suspects don't need to use people. Since you think I will not harm Brother Ji, you should tell me, otherwise I can't help you, let alone help Brother Ji."

Gu Zhou showed admiration in his eyes, and said: "Outsiders are all you are talented and close to monsters, killing people mercilessly, arrogant, but in my opinion, you at least have the intelligence and perseverance that your peers don't have."

He can see his thoughts at a glance. This kind of person, unless he is a person who decides to be wise, or a person who has experienced countless killings in the world, has this ability.

It is really amazing to appear in such a young man who is less than twenty years old.

But thinking of all the things this boy had done, he was no longer surprised.

Gu Zhou thought for a moment, and said, "You come with me."

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