Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1882: Guardian of the Tomb (Part 2)

The spirit of swearing allegiance to the death in Li Wei's eyes made Xiao Yu a little surprised and moved.

These loyal men, in such a difficult situation, are able to stick to their mission and not betray the Ji family, which is commendable.

However, in Xiao Yu's view, loyalty is sometimes important, but the world of Nine Heavens is inherently troubled, and disputes are constantly emerging.

The courage not to be afraid of death is certainly valuable, but it is also necessary to know the current affairs as a master.

Xiao Yu didn't want to talk nonsense with them at all. He freed his hand and embraced the void with one hand, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth surged out wildly.

Feeling this terrifying coercive aura, Li Wei and others were shocked, not to mention them, even Gu Zhou in the realm of good fortune was surprised.

"This...what is this move?"

The vastness of air makes people seem to be rippling in the endless sea, especially the kind that makes people calm, but invisibly seems to be able to destroy people, making him feel astonished as never before. color.

He remembered the legend about Xiaoyao Sect, and exclaimed: "Could it be the world's number one cultivation technique, Xiaoyao Fu?"


Said it was too late, then Xiao Yu was empty and environmentally friendly, and then pushed it out with a palm.

The eighth level of the power of Fu, the first style of Xiaoyao Fu, to capture the moon in the void!

"Boom boom!"

All of Li Wei's five people were blown away tens of meters away. Of course, what surprised them was that they were only slightly injured.

"This..." Li Wei couldn't help looking at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "I only used 10% of my strength. Of course you will not die. I just want to tell you that you are in my eyes."

Gu Zhou took a deep breath, being able to achieve such a situation, even he is very miserable!

However, this person is just a small achievement in the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Putting this aside, he immediately walked over and shouted to Li Wei and the others: "Li Wei! Don't mess around! Maybe only he can save us!"

Li Wei and others have stood up. Although the blow just now did not cause them much harm, it is undeniable that the terrifying oppression has already shocked their hearts.

Obviously, the opponent is fully capable of killing himself by flipping his hands!

"Gu Steward, only he can save us?" Li Wei couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Gu Zhou didn't know how he would say such a thing, but judging from everything Xiao Yu did, it was not impossible.

Gu Zhou immediately told them about Ji Yining's decision, and Li Wei and others were ashamed.

"Sure enough." Li Wei's face was gloomy.

"Li Wei, do you know what? Tell me quickly." Gu Zhou asked quickly, his face moved.

However, Li Wei kept his head gloomy and seemed to be silent.

Xiao Yu came over, glanced at Li Wei, and looked at Gu Zhou with a suspicious look.

Gu Zhou is the chief steward of the Ji family, how could he not even know one thing that the chief steward does?

Isn't this strange?

Gu Zhou's strength is still so strong, and he is now the number one master in the domain master mansion Ji Jiaming.

Gu Zhou explained: “The guarding work of the tomb is hereditary. Li Wei’s ancestors have always guarded the tomb here. All the coffins were discovered by the Li family. Last time, there were five golden coffins. He also led the team to discover the silver coffin."

Xiao Yu nodded, if this is the case, then it represents this secret, in this so-called grave!

He didn't have to think about it and guessed that this so-called tomb was probably the place where the coffin was buried.

What Ji Yining considered and didn't want to tell them had something to do with the grave!

Seeing Li Wei not speaking, Gu Zhou became even more anxious.

"Li Wei! This matter is very important! It is related to the lives of the young domain master and the domain master! Do you really want to see the young domain master die like this?"

The guards looked pale and looked at Li Wei.

Gu Zhou was even more impatient when he saw this. It seemed that they all knew what was going on, but they didn't know it!

Isn't that if Ji Yining didn't tell me the decision to stay and advance and retreat together with the Ji family tonight, then he wouldn't know anything?

"Li Wei! You forgot that the young domain master used to be with you and grew up together, did you forget that the domain master guided you in your practice? Now the young domain master is desperate for death, and the domain master's retreat is unclear, do you want Ruining the entire Ji family!!" Gu Zhou finally got angry, his face flushed completely from the excitement.

It is hard to imagine that the people left behind by the Ji family and the people who stayed at the last moment were so loyal. Xiao Yu was moved when he saw this.

The so-called long time seeing people’s hearts can make them so loyal. How can the moral character of Ji Yunzhuo and his son be so bad?

One, for the comfort of the Ji family, took a risk of retreating to improve his strength, and then went crazy, and after the second retreat, he even told his children to leave him alone if they had problems.

The other didn't listen to advice, and burned his brows to take the responsibility on him, staying and dying.

This made Xiao Yu feel even more that the secret Ji Yining wanted to keep, as well as Li Wei's unspeakable concealment, was definitely about the life and death of the Ji family, and even the entire western region of the grave.

Li Wei was so coldly snarled by Gu Zhou, his whole body trembled, and he sighed: "Finally, come with me. After reading it, you will know everything."

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