Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1888: Thousands of graves

This is what Xiao Yu suddenly thought of.

There are five silver coffins around the golden coffin of Bloodhoof, and now, Li Wei takes them to the place where they found the golden coffin. Isn't this officially telling them, are there other coffins below?

"Maybe you can't even imagine it."

Li Wei and Azhi's faces were extremely heavy, and even a shocking expression in their eyes flashed away.

Li Wei and Azhi continued to lead the way, and immediately they stepped into the sinking land that seemed to be an abyss, and then their figures directly sank into the ground and disappeared.

"Let's go too."

Gu Zhou eagerly wanted to know what was underneath. He stepped out in one step and also entered the "Abyss". Xiao Yu pondered for a moment and muttered, "Just now..."

He seemed to have caught something, shook his head, and stepped inside.

As soon as he entered the abyss, it seemed as if he was falling downwards. After a while, a feeling of being down to earth came.

Originally thought it would be pitch black, but there was a white and bright sensation ahead, and the scene in front of everyone surprised Gu Zhou, and even Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a shock.

Only four people were seen in an underground tomb.

This cemetery is so big that it is so big that there is no end in sight.

But this is not the point. The point is the scene presented to them in the cemetery ahead.

"This...this, how...maybe..."

As a good fortune realm, Gu Zhou was completely stunned at this scene.

I saw in front, the dilapidated coffins of silver color were lying in front of them! It's almost like a city of silver.

The light in the cemetery is from these coffins!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu was really taken aback. These are all silver coffins!

Such a magnificent, so many coffins, coupled with the body of the white silver coffin, shocked everyone's eyes.

Xiao Yu and Gu Zhou were shocked for a long time before they recovered.

Even though he had already seen this scene underground in this cemetery, Li Wei saw this scene again, his eyes still flashing with a breathtaking expression.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of silver coffins! What kind of situation is this?

This is a devastating army, and all of them have reached the three-day realm!

And inside these, the corpse of Xiangu lying there!

"Li Wei...what's going on here? Didn't you just find one golden coffin and five silver coffins? How could it..." Gu Zhou was shocked.

Li Wei shook his head and said: "The golden coffin and the five silver coffins were found nearby, and we had already discovered it at the time. Then I immediately reported to the domain owner and the young domain owner. At that time, the domain owner asked us to keep it secret. , Must not leak out."

At this moment, Xiao Yu's mind seemed to be shaken by a certain breath.

Bloodhoof again!

"Boom boom!"

But who knows, at this moment, another shocking scene appeared. I saw that the lid of the thousands of silver coffins was shaking at the same time, and there was a sense of sight that was about to open the coffin.

"not good!"

Gu Zhou, Li Wei, and Azhi's expressions changed drastically. How could these coffins move at the same time?

Is it possible that the corpse inside is coming out?

At the same time, a powerful vitality enveloped the entire underground cemetery.

They didn't know what happened, but Xiao Yu knew.

Just now, the consciousness of blood hoof was spawned, and the intention was to make inductive contact with these coffins!

Xiao Yu urged the power of the soul to calm Bloodhoof's consciousness.

After all, the soul consciousness of Bloodhoof is incomplete, and more of an instinctive consciousness is in it.

Especially after coming to this cemetery.

However, with this phenomenon, Xiao Yu was certain that this thousands of silver coffins was probably related to Bloodhoof!

Gu Zhou and the others were facing great enemies, but after a while, all the coffin lids became quiet.

They were finally relieved. Of course, they didn't know that this was related to Xiao Yu.

To be precise, it has something to do with blood hoof.

"Li Wei! Tell me quickly, what does it matter that Young Domain Master decides to die!"

Vaguely, Gu Zhou seemed to have guessed something, and Xiao Yu, his face solemn, yes, he also thought of something.

Li Wei hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "The reason why the young master went to death, I think it is because he wants to use the bloodline secret method to destroy all the coffins here. Because to activate this bloodline secret method, it is to burn the blood!"


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